Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow Day!

 Cullen was fascinated by the snow storm that we got last week!  He loved it all and sat by the window for a good long time!  He wanted to make snowballs SO BAD! lol!  One of these days I will figure out how to take awesome pictures!  Anyway, I didn't let him go out on the day of the storm because the wind was crazy!  But, thenext day, we drug all the snow gear out and tackled the snow!!

 School was supposed to be out at noon anyway but they just let the kids have their Christmas parties and sent them home at a eleven.  It was craptastic to drive in.

 They all played really well together!  And all over the yard and by the creek, which had me paranoid, of course.  Then they came to the deck and had a snowball fight.  They used the new snow brick maker I got them and loved it!!  When they came in we had hot cocoa and Cullen discovered a new love!! (the cocoa...he drank three cups!)

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