Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh No!

Crap! I still have a lot to learn.....and I thought I was so close to knowing it all. I need to get crackin'!

Broken Crap

Why is the stuff always broken???? (That is said to the tune of "Why is the rum always gone" from POTC.) Seriously, just today another thing broken. Somehow my crock pot got cracked and when I was letting turkey and gravy cook in in today for supper tonight, it all ended up all over the counter instead! UGH! So no crock pot and no supper. Joy of joys. I finally bought a new can opener yesterday so at least I can open cans now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

There has been much on my mind as of late. This morning I woke up with a migraine headache. I think I'm making myself sick. Nevermind, I don't feel like typing anymore....maybe later.....


I was walking around all morning with a big lump in my slipper that kept bugging me. Finally I reached down and took it out and it was a chunk of glass!! So many questions arise from that! How? Why? When? Who? Why didn't I get cut? Spacestar Ordering--That's Why!

Waking Eden Up

Oops, so the pictures go backwards...anyway, she's cute-that's the point! We're having so much fun! Jeremy got her laughing the other night. That is what the video is of. Also, I was laying on my stomach on the couch and then leaned off the couch to get the video of Eden....that's why I'm falling off the couch at the end....if you're wondering.
We went to a follow up appointment on Wednesday (the 17th) and she had lost a full pound of weight for some reason. We're gonna weigh her again in a week and see where she is at then.

Liam's Birthday Party

For Liam's party this year we went to Quincy to Going Bonkers! It was fun! Liam was treated like a king and all them want to go back. A lot of time was spent at the arcade as well! He received many gifts all of which he loved! I can't believe he is six already!
I bought an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. I had some gel icing in my cabinet so I brought it along to write happy birthday with. Apparently it was old or stupid or both because it exploded in a clump at first and then wouldn't write very well so that the cake we ended up with. Oh well, it still tasted good. I think we are gonna have to use Joanne and her cake skills from here on out.
Cedric got sick and threw up in the giant garbage can next to the counter they serve the pizza off of. He was sick for about an hour or so then felt better again. It's always interesting when we are around! Never a dull moment. Cullen wouldn't play on anything. He was more interested in the booths.

My Liam Is Six Years Old

Look at this! Liam and Asher holding hands! See, deep down they love each other!

On November 10th Liam turned six years old. Boy how time flies! Liam is so thoughtful and kind and we love having him in our family! It's awesome to see how each and every person adds another element to the family and always makes it better....Liam is no exception! I always feel so grateful that I have been blessed to have Liam for a son (yes, even when he's driving me crazy!) I know that he will grow up to do great things and I can't wait to see them!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What A Crap Day Today Is!

Today I nearly lost my mind! It seems as if all things wrong were attracted to me and my world today. Here's a list of highlights:

* The toaster I have had since we got married 11 years ago is on it's way out I think. It definitely has a mind of it's own these days.

*BOTH legs fell off my glasses!!

*My can OPENER doesn't actually want to OPEN anymore. Which is awesome by the way.

*I had to hold a screaming 2 year old in a soggy diaper(which left a nice butt mark on my jacket) while unloading two full carts of groceries while a scary old man made creepy peek-a-boo faces at us while checking out at walmart, while Jeremy chased a screaming Asher as he bumped into just about EVERY SINGLE PERSON and all the while Eden is screaming in the carseat.......whooooo! LONGEST run on sentence EVER!

*Cullen decided to dump an entire large cup of milk all over the chair in the living room.

*My phone wouldn't work this morning, stupid thing.

*I burnt a double batch of cookies......well, okay, that was last night but the effects have spilled over to today.....

There's more I could put but, instead I'm going to end with something positive. Right now my three oldest boys are outside at the fire pit just hanging out as brothers. They built there very own fire and have been running back and forth from the house getting various things they need (ketchup, sticks, buns, etc.). They've been getting along and are proud that they did everything themselves. I love that they are close enough in age to want to hang out together. It's awesome! Also really positive and fuzzy good feeling is that I'm drinking EGG NOG! yummy!

Bleepity-bleep Game!!!

I started playing this game to help Tristan out in his game on facebook. In games such as these one relies heavily on your "neighbors" to help you out and send you things you need to progress in the game. I was just doing it for Tristan at I am HOOKED! Dang it! I will not play frontierville, I will not play frontierville, I will not play frontierville......

Friday, November 5, 2010


I had just woken up this morning when I overheard this coming from the dining room while I was in the bathroom:
Cedric: "Yeah, well you're King of the hobos!"
Tristan: " Look in the mirror, Cow!"

Bahahahahahah! This was all said in quiet voices so as to not be overheard but, it started my morning off with an laugh that I couldn't stop! King of the hobos!!?!?!?! Are you kidding me! My kids call each other hobos all the time for some reason.

Anyway, then I went to the office/laundry room to tell Jeremy about my good laugh and Liam comes up to me with a paper airplane and in all seriousness says this:
Liam: "Mom, you know what?"
Me: "What."
Liam: "This paper airplane can be Baby Eden's friend. I just need to draw a face on it."
Me: (with a smile on my face and a laugh being suppressed) "Okay, I bet she would like that."

Then he set forth to draw the face.....ahhhh, too funny! Maybe we all need a paper airplane for a friend. Maybe they are the best kind. Liam might be on to something here.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ramble, Ramble, Bamble

Finally the stitches are gone from inside my mouth!!! I thought they would never be gone!! woot! This week has been crazy! There is so much going on and the holidays are here! Aahhhhhhhhhh! I really wish I had more time on my hands!
Anyway, yesterday I went to parent teacher conferences with Liam and Cedric's teachers. I am so blessed to have such smart little guys. (Maybe it's because their mother and father are so dang smart! hehe!) They are both doing just terrific in school! I still need to get with Tristan and Asher's teachers....I missed the regular parent teacher conferences because of my surgery. But, I know they are going well in school too.
We took Liam and Asher to the optometrist for eye exams and Liam has bad stigmatisms in both eyes and needs glasses. We need to get Tristan and Cedric in to the doc as well because I'm almost positive that Tristan will need them as well. Joy.
On a side note...our garbage guys in Carthage really are the worst. They just throw our cans all over the place and they never come at the same time. And they sure are sticklers about the 6 bags a week rule. It's a miracle if I can fit all our garbage into 6 bags....and that's the big 30 gallon ones! And I've been recycling the plastics and the cardboard.......Crap almighty! We just might have to make the upgrade to a dumpster. That will look just awful! We're just full of crap here at our house I guess....and by crap I mean garbage ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Alina sleeping

Daxton was a cute little duck!

Asher and Robert (the grim reaper)

Ethan and Landon (the fireman and the dalmation)

Liam sipping on his root beer.

Baby Alina Jane

Since we were in St. Louis for trick or treat night we missed going with the kids this year. On Saturday we came back early enough for me to take the four oldest over to Nauvoo to my sister, Vicki's halloween party. The Nauvoo Pumpkin Walk was going on too but, I was too pooped to go. My niece, Nicci, came up from Jefferson City, Mo with her new baby girl, Alina. She is so cute!!! We had a blast at Vick and Dan's party though! They went all out! Their garden was a graveyard and their garage was a morgue! The boys loved it! My nephew, Robert, was dressed at the Grim Reaper and gave all the boys a good scare! Asher thought he was great! They are all still talking about the party and asking when we can go again.......

I didn't get pics of all the boys in costume. I'm gonna try to get some from Trisha or Debbie. But, Tristan was a warrior king, Cedric was the prince of Persia, Liam was wolverine, Asher was Optimus Prime, Cullen was a pumpkin, and Eden was Cute!

Now I've Had The Time Of My Life!!

OMG, words, can't even express just how awesome Pink Floyd was!!! Holy Crap, I was blown away!! I've been to at least 50 big concerts and this one blew them all out of the water! Funny thing is, it was the worst seats I've ever had, the most I've ever paid to see any band, and the wrong timing for going, but, the one of the best times of my life! I seriously turned to Jeremy at one point during the show and told him that this was almost a freaking spiritual experience for me! I loved it!!! (can you tell???) I want to go see it again and again and again. If only I had an extra $500 every week, it would be no problem! ha! The lithium batteries I've had in my camera for at least 6 months now decided to die pretty much in the first quarter of the concert! Doh!!! So, no picks of the wall being built or tearing it down...sigh.....see I have to go again just to get some good pictures!