Friday, December 14, 2012

Elf On A Shelf

 We started our Elf on a Shelf tradition this year.  The kids LOVE it to say the least!  Although we all think that T.a.t.e is a tad bit creepy, haha!  We opend the book and elf on the ride home form Sue and Todd's house on Thanksgiving.  Part of the thing is that you have to give your elf a name.  Liam wanted Tom.  Cedric wanted Andrew....then Twinkle.  Asher wanted him to be called Asher Elf.  So we went with Tate.  Jeremy wants to re-name him Rufio.  So far all we have really called him is Elf though.  hmmm.  So, the elf watches the kids during the day, then at night he magically goes home to the North Pole and reports to Santa on whether or not the kids have been naughty or nice.  Then he comes back to our house and the kids have to find him in his new spot the next day.  They all love being able to find him and see what he is doing that day!  It really is fun!

 They all thought this was awesome.  Woody and Tate all caught up in a game of Hi-Ho, Cherry-o!  They decided to play the game on my washer though...and I couldn't use the washer all that day....doh!  See, part of the magic is that the elf cannot be touched....therefore, no clean clothes for a day, lol!

This is only a very small sampling of what he did in November a little bit.  I need to get more recent pics uploaded to the computer I guess. 

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