Friday, September 27, 2013

Jeremy's Birthday

 For Jeremy's birthday this year we decided to take a overnight trip to  French Colonial, St. Genevieve, Missouri. Founded in 1735, Ste. Genevieve is the oldest permanent European settlement in the State of Missouri. They were celebrating the Jour De Fete.  It was an awesome little town and the festival was amazing.  There were vendors EVERYWHERE.
But, rewind a bit first.  We went down to St. Louis on Friday and spent the night at the Rennassaince, one of our favorite hotels down there.  We woke up bright and early and drove the hour to St. Genevieve.  We spent the whole day there exploring.  It was a blast.  The only problem was the extreme heat...I think that day ended up being the hottest day of the summer.

The whole town was chock full of cutesy shops and crap tons of vendors. 

They had people walking around in costume doing little scenes right amongst everything.  They even had the fake gun fire to go with it .  Pretty cool stuff. 

This old guy was pretty cool.  He was hand carving spoons and other utensils like they used in the 1700's.  

We ate home made ice cream, tons of food, and shopped.  We got some cool luau decorations for the luau that we had later in the month. 

This where we ate lunch.  It was down home cookin'.  Just what I was craving right then!  And air conditioned.  It was called The Old Brick House.  It is the oldest brick building West of the Mississippi. 
Their bar area was taken from a Steam ship. 

When we got back in the car to head back to St. Louis our temperature read 118 degrees!! GAh!! Told ya it was stinking hot!!  We went to St. Louis then and went to the biggest party store I have ever been to and bought more stuff for the Luau.  They had so much to choose from!  We had a really good, relaxing time for Jeremy's birthday.  He enjoyed it too.  We definitely want to go again some time. 


I am in a really depressed mood today.  I hate it.  Ugh.  I have a crap ton of packages to ship for desire to do that.  Ugh.  I feel pukey and desire to do that too.  It will pass I am sure.  I think in order to fund having another kid, I am going to have to step up and start doing my crafts and photography for money.  Family will be free of course but, I need to help out in every way I can.  Jeremy is the hardest working man I know.  It beats me how he supports all of us.  And there are a lot of us!! haha! 
My garden is full of bugs and I am sick and tired of it.  I think I will just pick the pumpkins I have now and call it quits.  I will have to do some research on how to prevent the bugs next year.  Maybe next year, I can sell my produce at the Farmer's Market!!  That would be cool.  I could have a craft/veggie stand.  Today, I am going to try to accomplish a lot.  Hope it all goes well.  Right now I don't want to move from my computer chair.  This weekend must be productive though because next weekend is my brother, Sam's, wedding in Columbia, MO.  I am going to attempt to wear the dress I wore for Matt and Lacey's wedding.  I have to get some use out of it. 
Eden loves to sing and dance. She is doing it right now.  Cutest thing EVER.  I need to get some video of it......yep, I will do that.

Random Thoughts This Morning

I'm too lazy right now to edit my own pictures and post them.  I am exhausted for no good reason really.  Well, I guess there is a reason but, sheesh.

 Recently I have been doing really well at losing weight that I wanted to lose.  I am really kinda annoyed that I am going to be gaining it all back. 

The three oldest boys don't have school today.  The Homecoming parade is at 2:30 and it is a bummer that Cullen and Asher will have to miss it. 

My pin of Sarah and Matt is up to 162 repins!! Woot!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Love This

This is a great message.  I need to hear it like a thousand times a day. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Getting Ready

Today is Cullen's fifth birthday!!  I hope I can make the day great for him.  It sucks that he has to be in school most of the day.  And Jeremy is in Hannibal the whole stinking day.  He has to do that once a month...sometimes twice....and I hate it every single time.  I am spoiled in having him at my disposal for my every whim. *sigh*  I know, I am a giant baby.  I don't know what has happened to me but, I just cannot be without that man.  I rely on him to help me out. I swear the older I get the more set in my ways I get.  Good grief.  Oh well, it's Cullen's birthday and I am not going to waste it being annoyed that Jeremy is all the way in Hannibal.  Dumb.  Anyway, we are planning on having a family gathering at Jeremy's parent's house this evening.  I'm gonna go over there after school and decorate and cook some food.  I also bought 20 multi-colored Chinese lanterns to light at the river and let fly away!  I am excited about them....I hope the kids like them too!  Cullen told us that he wants trains, tracks, trucks, and tractors for his birthday!! haha!! Notice a "tr" trend there?!?!  We got him a train and two trucks and a train book.  Hope that works! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Something Good

I know I am kinda nerdy but, today I am totally stoked because this picture that I posted on pinterest has been re-pinned 90 times since I put it up a few days ago!! I like this because it is people that don't know me that like what I do! It's not my family trying to be nice and supportive (which they are nice and supportive...and I love it!) but, I have outside opinion too!  I think I might be pretty good at this!  And the bonus is that is so stinking fun!!
 Happy dance!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Me Talking This Morning

This morning I am craving some chicken enchilada dip.  I think I  might make some.  Or something similar.  Or chicken nachos.  In the crock pot.  That sounds good.  Nothing like starting the day off right with some nachos.  I have a feeling this fall is not going to be good on my waistline.  And just when I was getting good at not eating.  smh.  That's how it always happens.  As much as I love summer, I am looking forward to fall.  Not winter but, fall, and only fall, lol!
 Cullen came home from school the other day talking about the leaves changing color and them falling to the ground.  I love that he is sharing the things he learns with me.  Every day I ask Asher how his day was and he will tell me and Cullen will say "ask me about day, mom."  before I even get a chance to ask him! haha!  Some days I ask him first because I know he is excited to tell me.  And he likes to list his friends that he played with that day too.  He is stinking cute and growing up even though he doesn't want to. 
I have started getting some tomatoes finally!! They have been green forever!  And a note to self.....BUY BIGGER TOMATO CAGES NEXT YEAR.  It is literally a daily battle to keep them standing.  I have all kinds of strings, stakes, and sticks all over the garden tied to the tomato cages trying to keep them upright.  It is like a scene out of Mission Impossible to walk through the garden. Anyway, I am hoping to can some ketchup, salsa, and tomato sauce with my tomatoes. 
And some weird bug killed my bountiful zucchini, pumpkin, and watermelon plants.  Well, the pumpkins that were already growing are still orange-ing up but, the zucchini are about dead.  I did get one more yesterday.  Gotta remember all this for next year. 


 These were taken at the beginning of August too.  We were all hanging out, playing in the back yard.  Jeremy decided to blow some bubbles with the little ones.  They loved it!  I wish I had snapped more shots.  I think I was actually spray painting something...hmmm, can't remember.  One of the downsides of putting the blogging off forever, haha! 

Eden was staring off into space.  Another thing I think she gets from me!  She had a little messy face but was super duper cute anyway. 

Western Illionois Old Threshers

Way back at the beginning of August we took the four youngest to the Old Threshers.  I don't remember going there....ever.  But, I am told I have been there before, haha!  Anywho, we were going to meet my mom there with Tristan and Cedric too.  But, we got there later than expected and so did my mom so we just missed them.  We didn't stay too long because Jeremy's mom was going to pick up the younger four.  But, while we were there, we had fun!  I think we will have to try to take them next year too.  

 We had to convince Cullen to get in the bounce house but, when he did, he had a blast! 

 Asher, Liam, and Cullen rode the little train.  Liam was a very good big brother and helped Cullen into the cart, helped him buckle, and put his arm around Cullen too! It was very cute!

 Then the train disappeared and we couldn't find them for a bit.  That was fun.  

 Eden was being super cute and prancing around.  There was a creepy man sneaking around looking at her too.  Ugh!  So, we had to walk away.  

It was a fun little afternoon jaunt with our kiddies!!  WE love them!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Feeling A Bit Like Alice

“I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 

 “But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 

“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 


The kids are gonna love me tonight!!  Country fried steak, mashed potaters and gravy, noodles, corn on the cob, banana pudding!!!  YES, please!!  And maybe if I am lucky, I can get some pictures and posts on here tonight!! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Unsalted Butter

People who really know me, know how I feel about baking with unsalted butter.  This girl's blog lays out all the things I wanted to say without me saying them! Yay!

Why we use unsalted butter


I am so behind in so many blog posts.  I don't know if this years book will be up to date or not.  I still haven't posted about any of the birthdays in August.  Or anything else that happened then really.  Nothing of September.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  Sheesh.  Yesterday was very productive for me.  Today I just keep thinking about going to Sam's Club and Hobby Lobby in Quincy.  Don't know if I will or not. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sarah and Matt Are Having A Baby!

 Okay, so this is HILARIOUS!  They had no idea that I was taking the picture.  I was framing up a shot and told them to just stand there.  They both started talking about an episode of Honey Boo-Boo and joking around saying "I got Darlene in my tummy!"  I snapped and told them that would be their candid shot!! BAhahahaha! I guess you probably had to be there but, yeah, hilarious!

 So, I asked Sarah if I could take some maternity photos of her so that I could practice.  I am truly starting to have a passion for photography and want to learn all that I can.  She said yes, I was so happy.  We only got an hour or less of actual picture time before the light was gone but, I was able to get some good ones I think.  I am always way critical of myself, and always see room for improvement but, I think they are happy with them.  I want to do another session when she is huge with Baby Clark (which I think is a girl!).  

 Aren't they cute!  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Springtime At The Park

 Earlier this spring, Trisha and I walked the kids to the park in Nauvoo.  They played for a bit and we had a picnic lunch for them too.  If I remember correctly I think Debbie saw us as she was heading to her car on her lunch break and stopped by to visit too.  Wish I lived closer so that we could do this more often.  

 And look at how much they have grown in just 5 or 6 months!! That is crazy!  

 She is so darn silly!!  

School Valentine's Parties

 I finally dumped my old point and shoot camera and found a ton of stuff that I forgot about!  These pics are from Valentine's Day of this year.  I went to the school to celebrate with Liam and Asher in their classrooms.   No one talked to me at all but, I was there for my kids, not them.  They both LOVED the fact that I came to the parties.  I love the fact that I can do things like this with them!!  
Liam was in second grade and Asher in first.  I went to Liam's classroom first and stayed there about 30 minutes because I didn't want to miss Asher's party.  Liam is Mr. Sillypants at school I guess because one of the activities was to list things you like about everyone in the class.  Liam got lots of "class clowns"!! LOL!  

 Then they played valentine bingo with conversation hearts.  The prize was a blow pop!
They played until everyone got one! :)

 They had snacks and exchanged valentines too.
Liam has to be doing something silly in every picture that he knows I am taking.  
I love that he has a sense of humor about himself.

 Asher's class exchanged valentines first.  Everyone loves Asher!  I was so surprised how everyone went out of their way to give him things or seek his approval of things.  It gives me the "mommy warm fuzzies"!  

 They made bookmarks with their fingerprints.  They were really cute!  I had to leave after that but they had snacks and drinks and played a couple of games.