Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This sickness is making me feel all loopy.  I feel like my head is a balloon and my chest is in a vice.  Agh.  Things I have thought today:
  • Why is my house polka dotted with little wet spots everywhere?
  • Why is it so hot????
  • Is it bed time yet?
  • Why do people ever get out of their pajamas, really?  
  • Why is my bed all the way upstairs?
  • Does my head look like it is a balloon twelve feet above the rest of my body? 
  • If I close my eyes and click my heels three times will I wake up in my bed and this will all be a dream?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


UGH!  I am sick, sick SICK today!! I felt it starting yesterday...I tried to stop it in it's tracks with every cure/preventative I knew of but, I have lost this battle.  I went to bed at 7:00 last night and tossed and turned a lot all night long.  Stupid, stupid cold or whatever it is.  I can feel it settling right in my chest.  BLAHHHHHHH!  And on Cullen's birthday, too.  This sucks.  I have a feeling nobody is even getting dressed today.

Monday, September 24, 2012

So PROUD of Cullen!!!

I did it.  I freaking potty trained Cullen today!!  He has a couple of dribbles in his underwear but he stops himself each time and tells me he has to go!!  I convinced him to put on his underwear by giving him a starburst.  Then he peed his pants pretty dang quick, lol!  We put new ones on (by giving him another starburst).  Then I told him that if he told me when he had to pee again...and peed on the toilet, that I would give him TWO starburst!  I wasn't expecting much.....but, next thing I know, he comes running in tome and says" "I need to go pee, Mom!"  We went in to the bathroom and he just freaking did it!!  He was so proud and I praised the heck right out of him!!  And boy was he excited for his two Starburst!!  Since then, he is making himself pee now, to get more starburst!! lol!  I knew one day he would just decide to do it....and he did!!  He took longer than some boys but he did it in his own time!!  YAY!!   We will still have to tackle nights and I'm sure a few more accidents (maybe sit in a few mysterious wet spots) but, he did it!!!!!!! 

Cullen's Birthday Party

 We had Cullen's birthday party over the weekend on Saturday evening.  It was really chilly out.  Sunny, just really chilly! the kids all played really well together and had fun though.  I made some red velvet cupcakes filled with cream cheese filling, cream cheese frosting and dipped in crushed oreos.  Jeremy said they were really good.  I didn't do much in the food department.  I'm just trying to simplify my life lately.  It is all about being stress free and happy.  That is what I want to focus on.  
Funny story....Cullen says No to everything the first time you ask him.  Or Never.  But, we were driving down the road one day and I said "Cullen we are having a birthday party for you on Saturday!!"  He looks at me and screams: "NO!  I HATE SATURDAY!"  Bahahahaha!  
Then I said: "But, we will have balloons!"
He says: "Never, I hate balloons!"
He is a riot!!

 Trisha and Josh made it over too with baby Milo!  I have to give them props for showing up after just getting out of the hospital the day before.  Bringing a new baby is always a big new adjustment and of course the mom is always tired and achy.  It was nice to have almost the whole Kelley family there (no Tyson) though.  And of course it was nice to get my baby snuggles in too! 
 Note to self: Remember that stick balloons only cause problems!!!

 We sang Happy Birthday to Cullen and let him blow out the candles....twice, because he blew them out before we even started singing! lol!

 He got lots of fun new toys too!  And he has played with them all and loved them all!

I can't believe my Cully Micheal is four years old.  He is still my baby boy.  I hope he stays that way.  He's so sweet and snuggly.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


 I bought some of those paint dab markers that bingo players use.  Then I went online and googled some pages for these two to do.  They LOVED it!!!  Awesome!!  That was easy~!

 They sat quietly for about 20 minutes when Cullen started screaming that Asher looked at him the wrong way and kinda ruined the whole thing but....20 MINUTES!!!! LOL!

The Bathroom

I don't know what I was thinking.....I really should be taking before and after pictures of the house as we do whatever we are doing to it.  So, if you who have been before, you will remember, the bathroom was a crap brown, with an ugly border, and horrible everything else.  Now, it's better.  We painted the walls yellow, the bottom part of the walls white, the trim white, installed new shower rod and curtain, new curtain rod and curtains, new fixtures everywhere (lights, light switches, sockets, etc.), new border, organized the dang deep cabinet, new floor (done in April).  We still have to put the bottom trim back up and get some new towels and wall thingies.  It is a vast improvement over what used to be there!  And Jeremy and I are learning to do things all by ourselves.   No one has helped us at all.  Now, in the bathroom this isn't such a great feat but, in the rest of the house we keep encountering problems and messing up, that may have been averted had we had some help, but, whatever...we got this, lol!!  I will take final pictures of the whole bathroom when we are FOR SURE done in there.  I think we are gonna buy a new vanity, faucet, mirror too! Fun, fun!

Bow and Clip Holder

Another great pinterest idea!!  This is the bow holder I made for Eden McFroo.  I really wish I had actually figured out how many bows and stuff she had because the bottom picture only shows a few on it.  I tried to put all her bows on it and it looked crazy!  So, I need to make a new one that is like three times this size.  This is an 8 x 10 photo frame.  I spray painted the frame white.  Then I put a piece of scrapbook paper in where the picture goes.  I bought the huge pink flower, the little flowers, and ribbon at walmart.  Hot glued all the crap down and it works great.  Now, I just need to hang it in the bathroom....and make it bigger.

Hair Fun!

 The other day, I took every single thing out of my bathroom storage cabinets(which is a crap ton of stuff) and I bought little basket and bins and what not at the Dollar Tree to organize everything into.  I saw a really cute idea on pinterest for Eden's hair stuff and so I gave her the old basket full of stuff to play with for a bit.  That way she was busy while I could organize stuff I didn't want her to touch.  She went crazy with her "pretty pretties" as we call them.  The pictures don't even show it all because I couldn't catch her quick enough.  But at one point she had like five or six on her head and kept changing them out, haha! 

 And yes, her face is messy, messy, but, we love her anyway!!

Sarah and Matt

Sarah and Matt got married at Niagra Falls on Friday!!  I am so happy for them!  I really wish we could have made it to celebrate their day with them!!  I can't wait to see the pictures!!  And the super duper million dollar video, lol!  For reals, congrats you two....we love you guys! 

I've Got Pants On My Head

 This little lady is wacky!  She is constantly running around naked....except for her head! lol! 
I think she was trying to make a Thneed like from 'The Lorax'.  She cracks me up all the time and I have a hard time scolding her.  Not that she needs scolded for putting pants on her head....I just mean, in general, she is hard to scold. 

Welcome, Milo!

Trisha had the baby!!!  Welcome to the family,
Milo Dominic Mitchell!!
He was born on September 19th at 10:58am...
the date I chose (not the time though, lol)!!!!
He was 8 lbs. 8 oz. and 21 and 3/4 inches long.
He is really cute as you can see!  
I'm going to post more pictures
 when I can steal some from Trisha's blog.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What To Do......

Tristan came home from school yesterday acting really weird, looking funny, and not talking.  We kept asking him what was wrong and he said nothing.  Are you tired? Nope he would he passed out on the couch.  He had dark circles under his eyes.  Finally he admitted that he had been having a dull ache in his head all day.  Okay.  He went upstairs.  A little while later I hear him screaming at Cedric (although I couldn't hear exactly what was being said).  I thought they were fighting about something and continued on with dishes.  Next thing I know he is at my side saying that he puked in his garbage can!  He had been screaming for someone to help and Cedric just completely ignored him.  Whatever.  HE tried to eat a little at supper.  Puked again...and again.  Finally he went to bed.  He said that he threw up in the middle of the night too but, didn't wake us up.  He is home from school today.  I think that quack doctor we drove all the way to Peoria for is a crock of crap, quite frankly.  I don't know whether to call his office and schedule another appointment or call Dr. Smith and see if he can recommend a different doctor.  Ugh.  Anyway, toss a few prayers up for Tristan.  I know how bad this has to be for him. 

This past Friday, our van battery decided to go kaput! Right when Jeremy and the boys were to leave for their camp-out.  So, they decided to go in the morning after getting a battery....(turns out they didn't get a battery anyway but whatever, lol).  I got to have a little girl time and go to Burlington with Trisha.  We hit Hobby Lobby and Kohl's and Culver's for a snack for the ride home.  It was so nice.  I wish I could do stuff like that more often.  I got a Tristan a new suit, shirt and ties, which most of it doesn't fit...ugh.  And some stuff for the house and me!!

Trisha still has not had her baby!! Come on, baby!!  Get the heck out!  lol!  the trip to Niagra for the wedding is probably put on hold due to the chaos that would ensue, haha!  We still have a few days though.  I will get to help out with the reception food though which will be tons of fun!  I love doing stuff like that. 

Cullen's birthday is the next thing on the what to do??????

Monday, September 17, 2012

Choke & Puke Fest 2012

 I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought the kids would have fun doing's called Rainbow Bubble Snakes.  You cut the end off of a plastic bottle.  Then put any old sock over the end and secure it with something so it's tight across the open end of the bottle.  We used a rubberband and some painter's tape.  Then fill up a dish with dish detergent and water.  We added the drops of food coloring to the water first....then decided later it is better to put it right on the end of the sock itself.   That way you see more color streaks.  As it was we still didn't the full rainbow effect like the one on pinterest did.  So the idea is to dip the end of the bottle in the water solution and then blow on the end of the bottle.....big bubble snakes will form...that part is true!!  The boys truly did enjoy that aspect of the whole project. 

 Here are the about 30 seconds of fun that Asher got out of it.  He blew on it maybe 2 or 3 times and then inhaled very deeply!! AGh, lots of choking and gagging, his poor little mouth full of soap!!  I ran inside to grab water....came back, he was puking all over the deck!!  Had him sip some water and then decided that would make more bubbles in his tummy and switched to milk.  I don't know if there is actually any logic in that but, it made Asher feel better because the taste in his mouth was making him sick too!  Liam, meanwhile, was happily blowing bubble snakes all over the yard. 

 Cullen came outside then and had to try too.  He did pretty good for awhile but also ended up inhaling the bubbles and getting sick, although not to the same degree as Asher, thankfully.  I guess this project was more of a big boy project but, we had some fun learning with it anyway.  I guess they both know now that soap tastes bad so maybe I can now tell them that I will wash their mouth out with soap! haha!

Laim did really well with it and enjoyed having me take pictures of his long snakes!  Although, I was kinda annoyed and wanted to put it all away at this point! haha!

Cinderella's Castle

 Eden got this cute little Cinderella's Castle Lego set from Grandma and Grandpa Kelley for her birthday.  I asked Liam to help her put it together because he loves to help with legos!  They sat together and just played with it when they were all done putting it together too.

 What's cute is watching Eden's reactions to girly toys!! I love it and it is so much fun!! But, what I didn't expect was how much the boys would enjoy seeing her toys too....they are learning all about girl toys too! haha!  I think having a sister is a good thing for boys.....I'm hoping it will help them understand women better and have a desire to defend girls like they would their sister.  I know I have seen softer sides of them since Eden came into the mix....and I think it is wonderful!

The finished castle complete with Cinderella and Prince Charming!

Boys Campout 2012 ~ Part Three


 The boys really had a good time camping.  They said that they also got to go putt-putt golf!  And apparently there was another boy about there age in another camp close-by that was very much into Minecraft (a game the boys are really into right now) and he talked ot them about that....a lot!  haha!

 Skipping stones.

 Tristan is showing all of us the perfect stone-skipping posture! lol!  

 They went on a long hike. 

 Later in the evening it got dark and Cedric started begging for scary stories.  Jeremy finally told him a few and then Cedric regretted his persistence in begging!  lol!  He kept asking when they were going to get in the tent! 

 Jeremy said that the lake was really low. 

 This is the Shanty Shack.  A full service restaurant and supply store.  They went there for breakfast on Sunday morning and said that is was awesome! 

A sign at the Shanty Shack that Jeremy liked.