Thursday, October 23, 2014

Seriously, how the freak does every dang kid in the neighborhood end up at my house every day!?!?!?!  GAh!!  I thought I wanted my kids to have friends over more....turns out that was a very stupid thing to think!!! URgh!  Go Home!  And you can't say "Nope, no one is coming over today because I am sick."  Nope they just go around and try to sneak in the basement door....they already broke our new freaking lock on the door.  UGh.  I am so mad right now.


I am so sick.  I hate it.  Seems to be mostly a head cold type thing.  Yesterday I took enough cold medicine to probably sedate a small horse (joke btw, but, I did have my head in the dang clouds) and didn't get a whole lot done.  I couldn't focus on anything.  I ended up locking us all out of the house when I went to get kids from school.  Jeremy had to come give me a key. Then I forgot all about scouts even though I had literally just talked to my mom about it on the phone.  Dumb.  Jeremy and I HAD to get get some groceries again which I really did NOT want to do.  Finally got the last of the Halloween costumes for the kids too.  I hope I don't feel ill this weekend because it is jam-packed with things to do. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Diapers, Pull-ups, Wipes, Oh My!

  • 2 Cases of 504 wipes each Huggies Wipes
  • 1 Case of 40 Huggies Good-nights for boys
  • 2 Cases of 56 Huggies Pull-ups for girls
  • 1 Case of 216 Size 2 Luvs Diapers
  • 1 Case of 186 Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers (every other month)
  • 1 Case of 112 Size 6 Luvs Diapers
  • 2 packages of 20 adult pull-on diapers
Trisha and I were talking about how exciting it will be to get some of these kids out of diapers, pull-ups, etc.  And she said we must go through a lot of them and I said yes!  But, I decided to make of list of just potty training related items that we order each month from Amazon.  We get all these thing EACH month (minus the pampers which we get every other month)!! Craziness, I tell ya!! Somebody has to decide to stay dry through the night!! I wonder what we will do when no one is in any of this though?~!?!  I can't even imagine! lol!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Milo the, Slider

When I watched Chase and Milo a week or so ago, Milo was all about the steps.  He kept trying to walk down them but, wasn't very careful about it so I kept telling him to sit on his bum.  So, he would sit, then turn around and lay on his belly and slide all the way to the bottom of the stairs.  He would just GO!  And so fast!! lol! It was really cute and probably tons of fun for him...he was laughing like crazy!  I had to get a picture of it! 

Earlier This Week

Well Sunday I had to have more pain pills called in to a pharmacy in Keokuk because I ran out and still was in pain.  Jeremy went and got them and then I felt good enough to go take pics of The Clark's and The Gallahers!  It went good.  I got home and thought of a million other shots I should have tried but, I never think of it when doing it and under pressure, lol! Oh well, we got some good ones.  The next morning I woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth.  I went to the bathroom to look and the infection had broken through the gumline and was literally erupting like a volcano with blood and pus.  GROSS, I know.  I kept pushing on it to make it all come out then dabbing it with gauze and it took all day. It just kept filling up again. The good thing is, with all of that coming out, the pressure and pain I felt in my face and jaw was so much better.  I can finally brush and chew a little more regularly.  I called the endodontist and he decided that my dentist in Ft. Madison could look at it and see how it was progressing.
 So, I had an appointment for yesterday(Tuesday) but, a couple of hours beforehand I had to cancel.  The school had called and said that Eden had wacked her head again in the exact same spot she did last week(the school called me last week too) and that it was huge! So, I went and picked her up.  It looked awful.  The thing with Eden is that she doesn't really respond to pain.  They were all saying how surprised they were that she whined a little when it happened but, otherwise acted like it didn't happen.  She was in great spirits when I picked her up.  I loaded her up in the car, stopped by the house real quick to grab an ice pack, and decided to take a little trip to McDonald's in Keokuk with her.  We turned on the CD that they listen to at nap time at school and sang along to it while we drove.  I kept telling her to put the ice pack on her head and she would do it every time.  She is such a good girl.  We came back home after going through the drive thru and fed Vivianne then went to pick up the boys. 
My mom stopped by and tried a little aviator hat that she was making for Kiffen on Vivianne's head to see if it would fit right.  It was so cute!  She may have to make one for Vivi too! 

I started that post on Monday of this week and it is now Friday.  Whew.  This week and last week have been doozies!  I have been in a funk and I hate it.  Ugh. I have an overwhelming tiredness that just won't quit.  Feeling pretty fat and stupid lately too.  Ugh.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Smart Little Eden Rose

 Eden Rose LOVES school!! Which is wonderful!! Every morning she will let us get her dressed, do her hair, eat, get her backpack on, and says the cutest things as she leaves. 

*side note* So she finally lets me do her hair...and my hands are pretty much useless.  It hurts so bad to do it that I can't relly do a whole lot.  Still waiting on that doctor to call me back with an appointment for surgery.  Guess I will get my mouth taken care of first.  *sigh*  I am falling apart.  *end side note*

  I already have noticed such changes in her since she started school.  She says "friends" and "Aubrey" alot.  She has also started saying "Stinky shoes" when I take her shoes off so I think someone told her she had stinky shoes when she takes her shoes off for nap time, lol!  And she must be like me with the whole stinky feet thing!! :)  I pass only the best traits on to my offspring!! haha! 

 She has always likes books but, now she loves to be read to and read to herself and others.  It is so cute because she will "read", then turn the book around to show the pictures to everyone just like a teacher reading a story to a class would do!! She is so smart.  I'm sure that she knows more than all the kids in her class academically she just needs help with social, behavioral, and speech.  She is a puzzle genius and knows all her numbers, letters, shapes, etc.  Way more than most kids know at her age. 

 Cullen brings home a piece of paper every day with a letter and a picture on it to correspond with the letter.  Then there is a row at the bottom for him to practice writing that letter.  (I think Eden is more at a Kindergarten or 1st grade level with her letter and numbers).  But, she loves to take Cullen's papers and carry them around and talk about them.  This one was the letter 'L' and had a picture of a lollipop.  Immediately she took it and said: "This is my spot."  Then she would set it on the ground and sit on top of it!  lol!  Come to find out, the rug that all the preschoolers have to sit on each day has a different picture for each child to sit on.  Eden's is a lollipop.  She made the connection right away and carried the paper around for a few days.  She even took it to school where her teachers were very impressed with her! 

 She is sitting on the paper here but, you can't see it! :)

Freaking Tooth Update

Well, Friday morning I called the endodontist again to let him know that my face was so swollen I sounded like I had a sock in my mouth when I talked.  He wanted to see me that day.  There was no way possible of getting to Iowa City that day.  Jeremy had a very important meeting that day with a new business client that would basically give us a good raise(and he got it!!! woot! proud of him!), everyone was working, I had told Trisha and Josh that I would watch their boys so they could go celebrate their 5th Wedding Anniversary(Congrats, you two!!!), and I had to pick kids up from school.  The dentist was hesitant but decided to call in another stronger antibiotic to take WITH my amoxicillan.  It is Flagyl which I haven't had for a very long time, if ever, and I have never been given an antibiotic that you can't drive on....weird.  So, that day, my mom went to Carthage and got the prescription and I started it and the swelling did go down a bit and I took a crap ton of pain pills and felt half way decent.  Enough that I was cheery and fun with Chase and Milo.  I made crock pot ranch pork chops with mashed potatoes, cheesy veggie soup, and giant chocolate chip cookies.  Chase requested chocolate chip cookies so that is what he got, lol!  He was pretty impressed with the size of them!  At first he said he only wanted half of one but, he ate that and came back for the second half!  :)  They were really good for me (seriously enjoyed having them over!) and my kids were excited to find Chase and Milo here when they got home from school!  My mom helped me out a lot that day.  She ran to the store to get me ingredients for the soup so I could maybe eat something, got the prescription, and took my Expedition to school to get all the kids. 
Anyway, yesterday my face started swelling, throbbing, being stupid again. I can feel all the infection in my mouth.  This freaking sucks so bad.  And now I am out of pain meds.  I am going to have to find something, somewhere.  This is unbearable.  I am half-tempted to pay the emergency fees and drive to Iowa City today. The dentist wants to see me tomorrow no matter what and of course Jeremy has another very important meeting.  I don't want to have him cancel but, I cannot live like this.  It's been a freaking week of torture and hell.  For people who have never had tooth give you some reference...I think I would rather deliver a baby.  For reals.  I just throbs and envelops your entire head.  No eating, no sleeping. Oh and just for shits and giggles, my period decided to come yesterday know because I'm not already going through enough.  Sheesh. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chipmunk Face

Well this is the second night in a row I have been kept up with my tooth.  Yesterday was awful.  I got the Endodontist to call in two prescriptions....amoxicillan and vicodin.  I thought that would nip this in the bud but, boy was I wrong.  I can't think straight, sleep, eat, nothing.  I finally just got out of bed about an hour ag0, and said "forget it" to sleeping.  I looked in the mirror and my face is swelled up like a chipmunk.  The pain is so bad, I'm crying.  This sucks so bad.  UGH.  WHY!?!?!  Oh and I forgot to mention the puking. Probably because I have nothing but, pills and yogurt in my body. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Root Canals

On Monday Jeremy and I left immediately after getting kids to school for Iowa City.  I had two root canals scheduled.  Once we got there the endodontist decided that I only needed one root canal and it wasn't even on the original tooth that had bothered me in the first place which I thought was weird but, hey, if we can save some money, then great!  The root canal actually went really well in terms of how root canals go.  I definitely have had much worse.  The funny thing is, none of the past three dentists I have went to can figure out why my teeth do these things and go bad.  There is no decay.  No gum disease.  Nothing to indicate why my teeth should be going into root canals.  All of them ask me if I have had any blows to the face.  Nope. What the heck, I would remember that, right!?!?  Anyway, we got back in Iowa City just in the nick of time to pick up kids from school.  Yesterday, I could feel that my tooth was tender and took tylenol.  Last night the tooth started to swell and throb with pain.  I have been up and down all night with pain getting worse and worse.  I finally just got up for good at 4:30am.  I am calling first thing to get some pain meds ordered.  UGH.  I hate tooth pain.  It just fills your whole head and makes everything awful.  Now, I am betting there is ANOTHER trip to Iowa City in my future.  Just great.