Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So, I mentioned in another post that my hair is falling out.  But, seriously it is falling out in alarming sized clumps!  I need to take a picture. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cullen Is Naughty

Cullen has really turned up the naughty factor as of late. He knocked the Christmas tree over AND dumped and entire bottle of red acrylic paint ALL over my living room carpet. Yeah, that's not coming out. *big sigh* It's the "joys" of having children right!??!?! I do love that kid though. He's got the cute factor going for him too....*another big sigh*

Catch Up!

Everyone knows that December is a busy month.  This Christmas has just sneaked up on me!  I think I'm stressing out to much because my hair is falling out at alarming rates! yikes~!  Anyway, we have been doing the Advent calendar this year pretty faithfully except for this past week.  The boys love taking turns opening the doors to see what fun thing we get to do that day.  Even if some days are pretty lame....like here is a package of Christmas Oreos.  Some days it's all I can muster.   Some of the better days we made snowflakes, went to a Santa party (which sounds fun but didn't turn out all that well), and played christmas M&M bingo.

Last night we went to Tyson and Vanessa's to give Tristin Newpher his presents before he leaves for Nevada to his Dad's.  We had a good time and good food with good people!  I was a little out of it all day yesterday though.  I think my lack of sleeping is catching up with me.  I honestly can't think straight sometimes! ha!  Anyway, we got Newpher some snow pants....now if we can have one good snow that would be great!  But only one!  I hate winter.

Tristan is in on the whole Santa Claus facade.   Awww......I kinda felt sad but it's also fun to have someone in on it too!  He said that he would keep quiet for his brothers and sister.  He said he was pretty sure Santa was manufactured!  I told him that if he asked me that I would always tell him the truth.  So he asked and I did.  He also said that it wasn't really a cool thing to believe in Santa Claus at the Junior High.  I'm pretty sure he has been on to us for a couple of years now and has just been playing along.
I think I do a good job of keeping Santa real.  I even have Santa Claus wrapping paper and wrapping paper from Mom and Dad.   I let them see the wrapping paper I use for family gifts but keep the "Santa" wrapping paper hidden.  I'm pretty sure Cedric is onto us as well but he's a dreamer and still has a thread of belief....I'm gonna let it go on as long as possible.

I have started a little side business of my own called Eden's Delight.  It's baked goods delivered to your home or business.  I got a big order from State Farm Insurance here in Carthage.  They put some of my gift certificates and menus in their Christmas cards!  woot!  Now my phone has been ringing like crazy!  And of course they wall want it for Christmas!  I'm not gonna sleep this week!  But, this is a good thing and I am excited!  I would love to open a little bakery eventually in the same building that our computer store is in!

The kids are out of school on Wednesday afternoon.  They are getting so excited about Christmas time!  OOOhhhh, and I got the family pics back from Krbavac Studio! They are great!  Kim Krbavac is AWESOME!  She's just been so sweet to us and I really appreciate it!  I will try to upload some soon.......

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Have Not Blogged In A While

And since then Blogger has changed some.  Now I must re-familiarize myself with everything. 

I am in a dismal mood. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today Is Weird

Cullen has scarlett fever and Asher has strep. I feel so bad for them. They have been puking ( alot!), feverish, chills, snotty nose, headaches, etc. So last night I went grocery shopping and stocked up on the Danactive. I swear by that stuff. We haven't had it for a month or two and now we've got sickness. Ugh. Oh well. today Asher stayed home from school and we are trying to get them better. Maybe I can spacestar order this crap to go away........

Me and dryers don't get along apparently. I can't seem to keep one for more than a year. Don't worry, I spacestar ordered another one.

I really like windmills. A lot. I think I want to build one in my backyard. I think I will this summer. And I will keep a tiny owl at the top if it. I am dead serious. I'm gonna make it purple and brown.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Cuteness of Eden McFroo

Just look at how cute they are!!

It's official....she's no longer fitting any of her 0-3 month clothes! Crazy! So, my recent source of stress has been that Eden isn't getting enough milk from me. I've been having to supplement with bottles. I think it is my thyroid but haven't had it tested yet. It frustrates me to no end not being able to feed her. I can't see giving all my boys the best possible start with breast feeding and then not giving her the same advantages. It really bugs me. And causes me tons of stress....which adds to the problem of not enough milk. It's a vicious cycle! bah! No one can convince me otherwise. Today I'm off to find the Mother's Milk tea.

Thanksgiving 2010

Daxton is walking all over the place already!! HE's got places to go! haha! Poor guy had a little trip to the E.R. after dinner. He wiggled right out of Todd's arms and onto the tile kitchen floor right on his little noggin. Thankfully he was just fine and dandy but got a bonus with a CAT scan.

Dang it! I made the pictures go backwards again. One of these days I will get it right. WE had Thanksgiving at Susan and Todd's house this year. It was GREAT! Jeremy and I got there about 11AM or so and we ate at 1:30. We had a ton of food.....my mom forgot the sweet potatoes this year! WTF? It's okay...I survived. But, I didn't like it. Oh well.

I made 4 trays of lil smokies, spinach dip, custard pie, pecan coconut pie, turtle bars, green bean casserole, baked macaroni, peanut blossom cookies, and molasses cookies. I made too much! Sherri made these awesome rice krispie bear treats, mmmmm good! And a yummy apple pie that I need the recipe for....and some homemade stuffing (sweet!).
Vicki made a pumpkin cake shaped like a turkey! Somehow I forgot to get a picture of that! It was really cute and tasted good too!
Maxine made the pumpkin roll that was amazing as always!
Mark made butter that was way better than normal butter....out of cream!
And Susan bought lots of yummy treats too, haha!

Anyway, we had a good crowd. Mark and Karina came down from Chicago with their family. David and Sherri and three of their boys made it. Me, Vicki and Dan, Robert, Kendall and Joanne and their kiddies, Mike and Maxine, and Randy. Six of us Trapp kids! WOW!

Some of the boys lounging in the basement playing Mario Cart on the Wii.

Kaden.....taking a snooze.

Cedric and Keelie

Yes, there was even cornhole in the bitter cold. The men donned the layers and braved the cold for a few games. Some of the kids too. I stayed inside nice and warm.

Keelie and Landon coloring. We played games too. The boys really liked Jenga with uncle Mike!

Eleni, Reagan, Taylor

Curt, Brad, Jeff (sporting his w00t!PC shirt!) We miss having Jeff around at the store!

Cullen, Keelie, and Kaden playing underneath the table.

A whole mess of us!

My nephew, Brad, with his two kids, Keelie and Kaden.

My cousin, Randy, feeding Miss Eden Rose.

Todd being Todd!

My nephews, Kendall and Robert, Joanne, Landon and Ethan

I love Thanksgiving!!! I think I might love it more than Christmas. Maybe. Maybe not quite. But, it's always fun! I think it's because Thanksgiving always starts the day before with prepping the food, then Thanksgiving day is fun-filled with food, games, movies, etc....then you get to stay up all night and the next day shopping (usually), then the next day is Saturday and then Sunday.....it isn't until Monday that things have to go back to normal. So from Wednesday until Sunday it's full of family fun! Love it!
So, we almost spent the night at Sue's but then Liam threw up about 10:30 so I brought all the little ones home. It was great though, my mom started telling her classic Bunny Foo Foo story to the boys in their sleeping bags and air mattress on the floor. That story changes every single time....but the moral of the story is the same every time. Hare today, Goon tomorrow.