Friday, May 27, 2011


This summer is going to be a fun one! I am so excited! I'm going to take Eden's Delight to the fairs and festivals! I can't wait! More info to come on that. yay! Yesterday was AWESOME! Today is GREAT! (so far!) (it's only 8:55am though....) And my Arbonne business is going good! YAY! YAY! YAY! And my anniversary is this weekend too! And memorial day! Wow, so many good things!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boots and Dandelions

One day about a month ago I caught Cullen outside being cute! Not that this is unusual but, ya know! He was wearing Cedric's rain boots and tromping through the grass. Then he would bend over and pick dandelions, take his boot off, stuff the dandelions in his boot, then walk to the back of the fence and shove the dandelions through the fence!

This is all very common attire for Cullen. So far this summer we have taken to filling up the sand and water table with just water and Cullen loves it! he will play outside on the deck and in the yard for hours if I let him. I need a swingset. I mean the kids do. For reals. And a club house. By the way, don't ya just love the circle in the yard from the pool last year? I do. It's my favorite. I actually would like more....then I could have a polka dot yard.

Random Cute Baby Pics

This pic cracks me up! Chase looks so un-thrilled about the whole situation! LOL!!

Eden with Aunt Carla at the Shrimp Fest. She was the baby whisperer that night!

Cedric's Spring Concert

On May 6th Cedric had his spring concert at school. I didn't get to go to it but Jeremy took pictures and some video. It was really cute! That's him in the front row in the plaid shirt just in case you can't tell! lol! Cedric also sang me his songs when he got home. I love that kid!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Laffy Taffy

I love Laffy Taffy. I think the banana is the best. But, all are good. Next time I'm gonna fill the pinata with ONLY Laffy Taffy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


My last ten or so blogs have been dismal. I know. I just reread them. Sorry guys. I think it was just a funk or something. I will do better. MANY good things are happening along the way too. Like ...when the boys pick me flowers. They do it all the time! They really are just the sweetest things I've ever seen. Today they were all freaking AWESOME! And tonight Asher snuggled with me! And he went to bed so easily. What a great kid!
Tristan and I had a great conversation on the deck. He's getting so much older and wiser! lol!
Cedric was still in a great mood from his birthday. He was very appreciative and full of hugs!
I love it!
Liam told me a funny joke and we had a nice laugh together! That kid is a nut! haha!
Cullen is talking so much more now and says "orange" in the cutest way ever!
Eden is full on crawling everywhere and pulling herself up to things! She was also very snuggly today and full of hugs and kisses! I love these days! It makes it all worth it!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I keep telling Jeremy that I am not an adequate parent and that these kids would be better off with someone else. He seems to think that I am crazy. But, today, I proved to him again, that I am not to be trusted with important things. I totally forgot to take Cedric his birthday treats at school today!! What kind of awful mother would do that?!?! Me. That's who. Cedric didn't even say anything about it. And he was so happy when he got home from school that I can't yet remind him of it. I don't think I will. I went and bought some helium balloons and an ice cream cake. He requested spaghetti for supper. I can do that. His real party is on Saturday at the Roller Rink. It should be fun. I can't believe I did that! UGH!

Monday, May 16, 2011

If Cullen Doesn't Quit Screaming In My Ear.........

Without my camera (one of the kids smashed my screen to bits) I can't remember what the heck it is I have to blog about! ARgh! Things have been happening.....and some things have not been happening. Like we haven't been winning the lottery. Dang it. I also am pretty sure that the universe it out to get me. I need to get out of here. This place is driving me insane. For reals. Today I plan on concocting a diabolical plan to take over the world.

On Saturday we had the Kelley Shrimp Fest. It was awesome! So much great food! That's another thing by the way....I ate entirely to much food that was not good for me this weekend. I could not bring myself to get on the scale until this morning and it said that I actually lost a half a pound. I don't believe it....I'm sure the weight just hasn't registered yet and it will show up today or tomorrow. For those of you keeping track, I am at 21.5 pounds lost. And I totally expected that I would look noticeably different when I lost 20 something pounds but, I don't feel like I look any different at all. Geez. How fat was I that losing 20 pounds doesn't do anything?!?! Anyway, I'm still chugging on though. Today I started another 7 day body cleanse. It should be fun. Doesn't it sound like fun?!?! That's what I thought this morning......a 7 day body cleanse DOES sound like fun!

Asher finished Pre-K on Friday. So now I have three kids home. The other boys are done on Thursday. It's a half day. Yippee. Actually, I hate having to get them all ready in the morning for school so I'm, glad school will be out. Pretty sure it's a big waste of everyone's time anyway.
No, I'm not in a good mood by the way.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh Yeah!

By the way I reached my goal of losing 20 pounds! woot! Now, I have set a new goal of 25 more! This should be fun! haha, yeah right! But, tonight I am going to splurge and have mexican food!!! yum! My fave! AND fried ice cream!!!!!!!

The Going On Around Us

There is much that has been going on! Mostly bad! But, Good things too!!! I can't quite organize my thoughts to catch everyone up though. And some things require divulging too much information. Bwahahaha!

So, I don't know if it's just been me or what but everyone has been annoying the crap out of me. Everyone. I feel like I am the only smart one in a world full of stupids. Which is wrong of course but is right on so many levels! lol!

Yesterday I saw on facebook that Tristan and Cedric's old Pre-K teacher from the Nauvoo school was having a yard sale. She lives in Warsaw and just so happens to have named her daughter Kalista! I decided to go because I knew she would have some super cute girl stuff. I got there close to noon and I got to meet Kalista! She is a doll! And it was so funny to hear someone else with my name! I've never heard it before! "No, Kalista!" haha! I did end up getting some great stuff too!

Last weekend I did a "Business Before Hours" Breakfast catering job at Farlow Realty in Quincy. It turned out awesome! I didn't sleep for two days but it all was worth it in the end! lol!

The kids are almost out of school. Just one more week left. I'm pretty sure that a couple of my kids are gonna end up living out in the back yard for the summer. They already have the small tent up and want to set the big tent up. Tristan is so smart. I give him crap because he seriously thinks he knows everything about a subject after just learning about it but, he really is such a smart kid! And I love that he wants to try these new things! Love him!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today is more craptastic than yesterday. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. (insert eye roll here)
I put an ad in the Hancock County Shopper for my yard sale this weekend and guess what???? They didn't print it. Perfect.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today was stupid. Just like every day. The bad news we received a week or so ago is coming back to bite us in the butt. ARGH. I think it's because of the democrats. Bad moods prevail. Dang it. Also one of those "failure at life" days. BLLAAAHHHH.

Late last night I was laying in bed watching the news and they broke through saying that the president was going to talk at 10:30 at night with breaking news! What could it be????? Freaking Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!!! Sweet justice! I really felt proud to be an American! What a great blessing it is to live in this country. To enjoy the freedoms that so many people in the world aren't able to have. I LOVE THE USA!

In the morning we woke up and told the kids and of course they had no idea who Bin Laden was so we realized we had failed our children on that count. We had to educate them a bit! haha!

Yesterday, I went to Nauvoo and Trisha's friend, Amanda, took some pictures of Chase and Eden. I got to see a few of them today and they looked AWESOME! Can't wait to see the rest! I guess it helps that we have pretty cute babies!

I'm going to try to get ready for my yard sale this week but haven't been feeling the greatest. That and it's supposed to rain this weekend A-freaking-GAIN! I wonder if I could just sell the house with all contents?? That would be super! We would literally have NO baggage. No strings. Nothing. I want to live on the road. Somewhere new every night....or every few nights. Ahhhh, that would be awesome!