Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Roller Skating Lessons

Liam and Asher started roller skating lessons last night at the Crystal Ball Roller Rink.  Liam already knows how to skate but wanted to anyway.  Asher hadn't wanted to skate in the past so I didn't even ask him but, when he found out about them he definitely wanted to go.  And he had very valid points when stating his case. 
 He said that he needed to know how to skate in case he got invited to a roller skating birthday party.  And that he would never learn if he didn't try! 
We had to let him after those reasons.  So, off he went.  
Jeremy was going to drop them off at the skating rink and pick them up after lessons.  But, Asher made him stay.  I get to go next week.  Jeremy said that Asher fell a lot.  But, he kept getting back up and trying again.  He had a few fits and yelled a bit but I think he REALLY wants to learn.  We are very proud of him for his determination. 
 Jeremy said that he laughed a lot last night too! 
  The classes last for 6 weeks.  Maybe Liam will learn some things he doesn't know too!  He said he had fun as well.  There were 8 girls in his class and he was the only boy!  I told him that he was a lucky boy, he smiled!