Saturday, August 9, 2008

Excuse Me

So I've been slacking on my blogging duties as of late. I think I temporarily lost my mind. I was just a bit overwhelmed and had those dreaded feelings of inadequacy hindering my writing abilities. But, never fear, I'm back with plenty of stories and pictures to share! Now, I just need my computer guru of a husband to get home and help me put the pictures from the camera onto the computer so I can show everyone! I know, ridiculous that I don't know how to do that.
So here is a short summary of the events of the last two weeks:
* Canning our butts off!
* Almost done with Breaking Dawn!!!
* Cedric drove the van through the inlaws garage door
* Planning the birthday luau
* Went to the dentist to find out that I get to spend 6-10,000 on just three teeth!!! haha!! (no joke)
* Contemplated my abilities as a parent
* Had a Pampered Chef party
* Set up Tristan's baptism
* Went to the new Nauvoo Pageant finally
* volunteered at the concession stand at the Nauvoo Pageant
* Got the boys bedroom painted, beds set up, things on the wall, etc. curtains still to come...
* floated in the pool from the UK....more to come on that....
* Decided that it is time for this baby to get the freak out!!!!
* Found a long lost friend from COJ via facebook-yay!!!

So this is just a little teaser for later tonight when I may or may not find the time to elaborate on these stories and put some pics up!!!


timpani76 said...

"Cedric drove the van through the inlaws garage door"

This sounds like an interesting story!

Renae said...

Dang, where to even start?! Is Cedric okay?

lizS said...

collista, you make me laugh! when is your due date again? did you already have the baptism? how is cedric? (i always want to tack on "diggory" there.) and how do you like breaking dawn?! i finished it last weekend, and i LOVED it. tell me what you thought!

colista said...

Oh crap, Liz, I can't make myself read like the last 100 pages!!! I'm going insane. I always get antsy at the end of a really good saga and don't want it to end. weird. I will finish tonight though. I've strung it out long enough!!!