Monday, January 26, 2009

The Doctor is In

This afternoon I went to the doctor to go over all the results of my labwork and MRI and such. Turns out I have a crazy overactive thyroid. He's referring me to a specialist in Springfield or Peoria. I will find out more then. That could be the reason I am so tired and lazy almost all the time. Also why I am agitated with almost every person I encounter. So, many things....he said I would have to talk to the specialist about the thing in my head because my MRI turned out normal ( I definitely have a brain!) and sometimes overactive thyroid can cause trememors or something of that sort. Don't know, still alot of questions up in the air. He thought my blood pressure needed to be continued to be looked at as well. One other good thing is that he said he was jealous of my cholesterol level which was 142! So, there it is.

Jeremy reminded me of another great story about my dad and traveling. There was the time that we all got in the car to go only a short distance away and we all fell asleep in the car (not my dad of course). And when we woke up we were like 5 hours away from home on our way somewhere across the country...I'm thinking Utah. Can't remember, I need to ask my mom. Anyway, good stuff.


tacy said...

142! Lucky you! Thanks for the birthday greeting!

Renae said...

Thyroid can really jack with you! I have underactive thyroid. I just have to take a pill every morning. Not a big deal. What do they do with an overactive one? With mine, I've got what they call Hashimoto thyroid. Basically the immune system attacks the thyroid and beats it down. At first you go hyper thyroid because your thyroid fights back, then you go hypo because it gives in. Blah, I'm rambling.

That's really funny about your dad! He just up and decided to drive to Utah? We used to drive to Utah a lot, when John and I were kids I HATED it!

Oh and the potty training thing. I don't know a freaking thing! I guess by my own theory, Justice just isn't ready. But he knows how to do it. It's making me crazy. He'll do really good for a day or two, then he just decides he doesn't want to do it. So I'm wondering if I should just give it up for a while, or if I should just enforce it. I think I'm just going to let it go. What do you think? I feel like a big idiot for spouting off like I know something, and now I can't potty train my own kid. Maybe I shouild just follow my own advice and quit.

lizS said...

you know renae he might be like jonni. she knew how to do it, and i finally got super frustrated and just made her go naked for a day, and told her if she had accidents (out of laziness or whatever, not genuine accidents where she couldn't help it) she would go naked again. that worked. i would say if he knows how to do it, then enforce away! but i've only potty trained one so...

Kathy VonTrapp said...

Oh no, Matt has a thyroid problem too! His is underactive (Hashimoto's Disease)! Didn't Sam have an overactive thyroid too? Glad you are going to see a specialist!

Renae said...

Justice doesn't give two pins if he has clothes on or not, so that wouldn't work, in his case. Oh well. I don't know.

lizS said...

well, there's always the heavy carter's whip...

colista said...

yeah, my kids like to show off when they are naked!