Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning

Some of these pics turned out super duper and others didn't.  I am going to have to learn photoshop or something.  Anyway, on Christmas eve we came home in the evening and had a grand old time!!  First, we made all the kids sit down and watch Mr. Krueger's Christmas.  It was my Dad's favorite Christmas movie and something we wanted to make a tradition every year for our kids.  Also, every year we get to open one gift from Mom and Dad.  I don't put any presents under the tree until Christmas Eve.  They all picked their one gift.  I even made sure to let them know that they gift they picked may be something for them to wear and gave them a chance to change gifts.  But, they didn't!

Asher opened his gift first and it was a new Transformers Connect 4 game!!  It's cool because you can play it flat like normal or in a cylindar, which adds a whole new dimension to it.  We thought he may like it because he has been obsessed with tic-tac-toe as of late.  We have been playing many, many, MANY rounds of connect four ever since! lol!

Liam got a new pair of vans hightops!  They are red and black, which are his favorite colors for shoes.  We knew he had been eyeing a new pair of shoes lately so, he was actually really stoked to receive them!

Cedric opened his new Halo legos.  He through that on us last minute, the little stinker!!  Thank goodness for Amazon!! lol!

Tristan got a new pair of hiking boots!  He had been needing a pair.  He has been camping and roughing it a bit more than usual with the boy scouts and his regular skate shoes were just not cutting it!  He was happy!

I LOVE how the boys treat their little sister!  It is the sweetest ever.  They are always genuinely happy to help her.  She picked a present and took forever tearing off the wrapping paper one tiny, little strip at a time!

Finally she got it out and it was a book called, The Princess and the Unicorn.

Cullen hates presents!!  Bahahaha!  We all know that Cullen is our grumpy old man, stuck in a child's body!  He had to warm up to his present first.  He sat and glared at it for a bit.  He did finally open it to discover a bucket full of cling blocks! He loves them! 

So, we got the kids all in bed and finally asleep by 9:00pm.  We thought we were doing great!  Oh no, not great at all in fact.  We started the process of last minute wrapping, etc.  Just about had everything under the tree when we hear movement on the steps.  You might be able to tell from the pictures that we put our tree at the bottom of the steps right in front of the front door.  That proved to be a very stupid idea.  Jeremy intercepted Asher on the steps and got him back to bed.   Turns out....we would not sleep this night.  No, not at all.  Ugh.  Asher stayed up the rest of the night.  Tristan soon after Asher, then the other two.  We actually had to finally wake up Eden and Cullen because the big boys couldn't wait any longer!

We did let the older boys dig into their stockings while we waited for the babies.   They were so happy!  I love, love, love, seeing them happy.

Cullen decided dumping his stocking all over the floor was the best method.

Jeremy put on his elf costume that we bought this past summer!!  I LOVE that man!  He is the best elf ever!!

Eden Rose didn't want to wake up yet.  She probably thought we were all nuts!

Trying to get a group shot.....doesn't work so well for our family, hahah!

Oh well......

Asher's new Cubs gear! He loves it!!  He was mad for a minute because he thought he like the Cardinals instead and we had to remind him that Mr. Walker likes the Cubs and lets him lead the line with the Cubs shirt on.

Tristan opening his big gift!  He got a new air soft rifle.  Not sure on all the specs but it is pretty sweet looking.  He was thrilled!!

That was the theme this EVERYHING!  Each boy got 4 lego sets each, calendars, pens, boxes, minifigures, etc. too!  

Cullen got a new train!

Cedric opening his new airsoft guns!! He got a set of two that are Zombie hunting guns!  Both he and Tristan were in heaven.  And they both got full head gear/masks as well....ya know, so they don't shoot their eyes out!

Oh my Froo, she got some cool stuff too.....and she loves it all of course!

Asher love, love, loves, these mosaic stickers!  We got him a small set earlier this summer and he busy/quiet for the entire day!

Eden got a new kitchen!!  Perfect size and colors to fit right in her room!  She started cooking immediately!  She got lots of new stuff to go with her kitchen too.

Liam had been wanting this set of Legos for his birthday in November but, ended up getting other things instead.  It is the Star Wars Malevolence and has over 1,000 pieces!  He was truly happy when he opened it!!

Asher passed out cold immediately after opening his fact, he had just been telling Jeremy to get his new Leap Pad registered on the computer and literally fell asleep like mid-sentence!!

Eden playing with her new Minnie Mouse bowtique travel case!!  Santa loves buying for little girls....well it's just one right now but, maybe more in the future, hopefully!!

We had a super duper Christmas!  The kids got way too much stuff but, it felt good to do that this Christmas!  Sometimes you just have to go a little overboard!  I didn't take pictures of half their stuff and most of the pictures I took turned out blurry because they were moving too fast, lol! Jeremy and I were a little (a lot) sleep deprived and feeling crazy by the end of the day but, it was all worth it!  I love my family so stinking much, it hurts!!

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