Tuesday, January 22, 2013


These winter blues really need to go away now.  (this happens every.single.winter.)  Ugh.  Jeremy tells me that people like me and I have friends but I sure don't feel like it most of the time.  It's a good thing my babies have been extra kind to me today!  Eden Rose isn't feeling well at all.  I feel so bad for her.  We have snuggled a bunch today.  So far she seems to have some sort of virus.  I have been keeping her rubbed with baby Vapo Rub on her chest and feet.  I have been putting POM Pomegranate juice in with grape juice (flu preventative) and putting honey, apple cider vinegar, and cinnamon in her apple juice.  These would all help if she would drink anything.  She is drinking, just not much.  Her eyes are all red and puffy.  :(  Cullen has been giving me back and leg rubs all day long.  the other boys have cleaned their rooms and kept themselves busy.
Today I took Asher back to Dr. Smith for a follow up appointment.  We decided to up his dosage again and see how it is in two weeks.  If no improvement we will up it again.  And so on.  Asher and I got to talk all the way to and from the doctor's office about all kinds of things.  He is very observant even if I think he isn't sometimes.  Today he told me about the plan of salvation.  They must have talked about that at church on Sunday.  He is so smart and I want him to be able to see that.  He is very hard on himself.  I hope this medicine can help him.
Liam and Cedric are getting excited about the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby at the end of the month.  They spent all day Saturday down at Kelley Motor Co.  with Jeremy building their derby cars.  Cedric's is a race car and Liam's is a tank!
Cullen has been asking about going to school a lot.  He is ready now.  All of a sudden.  We have been working on countings, number recognition, letters, and letter recognition.  He can name all the numbers by sight and most of the letters.  We are going to work on writing his name next.
Tristan and Cedric went to get their hair cut tonight and came home looking to handsome young men.  What the heck is happening around here!?!?!?  Where the crap are my babies!?!?  I'm kinda freaking out. 
I am so sick and tired of being in Carthage.  We have been very diligent in prayers and putting good vibes out into the universe and waiting for answers and signs as to what direction to head.  I am not fond of the Carthage school district in many aspect.  There are also good things about the school but, I think the cons outweigh the pros.  I don't have any friends here and I'm starting to feel like a rat in a cage.  I think I may turn people off from liking me because I say the most ridiculous things when I am put on the spot.  It's rather comical actually.  I should have a tv show with just me interacting with people out in public.  Seriously, it would be hilarious!


Vanessa said...

Sounds like we need a shopping day or a lunch date or something...I have been kind of feeling that way as well. I feel like if I am not running the kids here there or eveywhere then I am at home then I feel like I have to clean because lately things always seem to be a mess.

Colista said...

I think that is a fantastic idea!!!

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

You should come to Hamilton sometime. I have every Wednesday off but no one ever wants to hang out with me.

Colista said...

You should come over here next Wednesday. That way Eden and maybe Cullen will nap!