Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Title Is Vomit

This past Saturday Jeremy wanted to take the kids to see the Star Wars movie in 3D at the movie theater.  He was going to meet up with his best friend, Chris Hutson, and all go together.  So, it was me,Jeremy and the 4 oldest off to the theater.  We went to Burlington.  On the way there, I decided that I really was not in the mood to sit and that I would go get some errands ran in Burlington while they were in the theater (since we hardly ever get to Burlington anymore.)  I went with them all into the theater so we could get snacks and bathroom breaks and seats done.  Then I left. Everything was fine.
I stopped at Claire's in them all real quick to snag a cute pair of earrings I saw in the window then went to the car.  I had pulled out of the mall parking lot and was just passing Walmart when Jeremy called and said that Asher had puked all over everything!  He got it all over himself, the seat, the floor, the aisle , the hallway, and the bathroom.....and Jeremy.   I quickly pulled into Kohl's to get some clothes real quick for Asher.  Wouldn't you know it, Kohl's had nothing in Asher's size.  Literally nothing!!  What the heck?!?!  So, I just grabbed some stuff on clearance that might fit somebody and left.  Drove back to the theater.  Went into the boy's bathroom to help clean both people up.  Got Asher in some clothes that didn't fit.  Realized then that he didn't have a coat that he could wear....so he got mine.  And it was one of the few REALLY cold days that we have had this winter. *SIGH*
Anyway, I got Asher in the car, drove him all the way back to Nauvoo to Grandma Kelley's house, then drove all the way back to Burlington.  I walked into the mall and the movie was just getting out.  So, a big pointless outing for me!  The other boys really enjoyed it though!!  We don't typically keep soda in the house and if we do, we don't give the kids much caffeine (like they don't have enough energy already!) and so, they were WIRED on the caffeinated soda from the theater....AGH!  Hyper little munchkins!

So, last night Cullen came to our bedroom door at 3:00am crying.  We got up and realized that he had thrown up all over in his bed! Good grief!!  So, I cleaned Cully up, Jeremy changed all the bed linens and we stuck him back in bed.  Eden was wide awake then.  Perfect.  The other boys were stirring from all the racket Eden was making.  Then after we got the big boys off to school, Cullen came to me at my desk and puked in my lap!!  I'm seriously sick of the vomit! 

I took Eden to the doctor yesterday.  She is having constipation problems of epic proportions!  Joy.  My regular doctor wasn't in so I saw the nurse practitioner.

Well Cullen just threw up all over the big couch.  Twice.  Poor kid.  Poor me.

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