Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Thoughts

Thinking about summer plans....has me pondering on swimming lessons.  It is a love/hate thing for me.  I love the idea of it and that my kids will be learning a valuable lesson.  I love how happy it makes them to swim every day.  I love their smiles and laughs.  I love all that good stuff.  I hate getting ready for it each morning, loading the car and unloading the car a million times, dragging kids crying and screaming, yelling at kids to not run off or die in the water, chasing kids around with my fat butt hanging out, trying to NOT look like a crazy person the whole time, how much it all costs, etc., etc.  I am absolutely exhausted by the time we get done each day.  It is hard work and mentally exhausting too.  I am especially dreading it this year because I am about certain that Eden and possibly Cullen are both at annoying stages.  Cullen is scared and glued to my hip and Eden is NOT scared and will NOT be glued to my hip.  She will be running amuck....I just know it.  I will be the looney mom running around yelling at everyone.  *sigh*  I thought about just paying the extra money and keeping them here in Carthage at the Carthage pool for lessons.  I could take just a couple at a time then or at different times and let the others stay home or play in the park.  I haven't really looked into it though to see if it would work. 


The Mitchell's said...

I totally hadn't seen this before coming over tonight and now I feel silly for being out of the loop. Anyways...begin peptalk:

Don't leave me!!! I see your concerns though..I really do. It really is a good summer memory our kiddos can have from every summer growing up together though. Lets keep it going. :) The feeling of accomplishing 2 weeks of exhaustion to put smiles on their faces will definitely outweigh the feeling of guilt for not taking them.

End pep talk. LOL did it work?? Did I guilt you? No really don't do it if it's too much for you but I really hope you do.

Colista said...

Yes, it worked!! Sheesh! I figured I would do it anyway and I know it will be fun too. I especially look forward to the picnics afterwards. I just want a couple of nannies to help out with the swimming part! Is that too much to ask!?!? :)

Colista said...

I just re-read my response. That was supposed to sound funny, not rude....hope it came out that way! lol!