Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Boyer Anniversary

 Jeremy's Grandparents, Leon and Geneva Boyer, were celebrating their 72nd Wedding Anniversary a few weeks ago.  Many of the Boyers gathered at Debbie and Pat's house for a big meal and visiting. It was nice!

 Cullen and Daxton really like hanging out together.  

 Tristan and Alex climbing the tree.  

 This is Hendrix.  He is Josh and Angie Boyer's little boy.  They live in South Dakota and we don't get to see them very often.  It was nice that they could come visit for the anniversary.

 Dad and Froo Froo

 We got to see Cole too!  

 We love Milo!

 Asher and Dax

 Desiree and Hendrix

 My awesome son, Tristan the Great!!
Conqueror of the tree!

"do you have teeth?  Cuz, I have teeth." 

Cullen was so cute when he was talking to Lillian. He is so sweet! 

Later in the evening a bunch of the cousins got together to ehar Travis Walker play at the Wine Barrel.  It was an awesome night!  Cole got his guitar out and played with Travis as well.  Pink Floyd was the highlight of our night!! 

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