Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cedric's 11th Birthday

 Friday morning.  Cedric's 11th birthday.  We started the day off with breakfast of his choice.  He chose eggs and toast with orange juice.  He had the birthday cupcake and inside was a note telling him that he got the new Sim City game that he had been begging for for months!!  He was pretty stoked about that!
Then he had to go off to school. 

 While Cedric was at school I hauled out the birthday box to find things I needed for his party.  Eden and Cullen found the birthday hats and had a hayday with them!  Eden found a new way to wear party hats.  She would split them along the seam in the back and then wear it around her head like a headband. Her little mind is just awesome.  

 On Saturday morning at 7am his first friend showed up for the big day.  Jackson had to be dropped off early because his Dad had somewhere to be.  Then he has Donovan, Joshua, and Hunter come along too.  The plan for the day was Fun City, then home for a campout in the back yard.   Liam came along too because for Liam's birthday we took him to Fun City by himself because he was going to go to Chicago (Legoland) with Cedric for his birthday.  Well, then Cedric decided to have a friend party at the last minute. 

 Cedric's friend, Hunter, thought he was pretty cool taking pics of me with his phone.  

 All of the boys outside of Fun City.

 Donovan gearing up for laser tag.

 Trying to listen to the instructions for laser tag.

 Hunter and Joshua did this crazy, spinning, thing.  Hunter was the one who really wanted to do it and Josh just humored him and went along.  The spun around in it for one minute. Josh got off the ride smiling and had a great time and Hunter looked like he was going to vomit!  He suddenly got really quiet, lol.  I'm really glad he didn't puke though because that would have been an embarrassing mess!

 Ugh, the pictures loaded out of order again.  Blogger, you are my arch nemesis!  I have tried other blog sites though and they all have been annoying.  Grrr.... anyway, we played at the arcade for awhile and did just about everything there.  We couldn't do the go carts because we didn't have enough drivers.

 Eating lunch.

 Then we let the boys swim at Huck's Harbor for a few hours. 

 They were all rude and left Liam out while at the pool.  Jeremy and I wished we had brought our suits so we could play with Liam.  So, Jeremy took him back to the arcade instead.  They had some good one on one time while I hung out poolside watching the other boys swim.

 We had a little surprise for Cedric when we got back home from Fun City.  I had filled his room with a bunch of balloons and then made a crepe paper door way that he had to break through.  All the boys LOVED it!  Yay!

 We set up the new tent.  It is pretty awesome.  The hinged door is great!  And you can fit three queen sized mattresses in it!  We built a camp fire for the boys to roast hot dogs and make smores.  

 We let them all walk up to the W.O.W. park.

 Those boys stayed up most of the night talking and laughing and goofing around. 
The next morning we took all of his friends home around nine.  Then Jeremy worked on the swing set and I planted morning flowers and worked more in the yard.  We went to Jeremy's parents house to have a little birthday dinner that afternoon.  

 I had Joanne make a cake and it turned out fabulous like usual!  She is so awesome.  

 We stopped by Grandma Trapp's house and she gave Cedric his birthday card.  She gave him some money and a cute little button that she wanted him to wear.  Tristan had helped her pick out the card.  I thought that was cute.

 Debbie had made a fantastic pot roast for dinner.  Then we all ate cake and ice cream.  The cake was red velvet.

 I love this picture of Asher.  It really shows his genuine nature and his cute side.  I HATE it when people make my kids feel bad about themselves or inadequate in any way.  Asher now has it in his head that he is stupid.  And he's not.  He is probably one of the smartest in his class.  The other day he came home from school crying because he said all his friends were making fun of him because his shirt accidentally got tucked into his pants and they could see his underwear.  It was heartbreaking because he was just sobbing in my arms about it.  Asher, you freaking ROCK and we all LOVE the heck out of you!!  This goes for all my kids.  

 Cedric opening his cards.

 Got some pics of the tornado warned storm on the way home.  We were just minutes ahead of it.  It was awesome!

 More out of order pictures at Fun City.

 Watching Liam play skee ball is one of the best things you can watch.  He has a little fling movement he does that just works.  He always scores really high!!

 My Cedric is now eleven years old.  He got to move up to the Boy Scouts from Cub Scouts and he is pretty excited about that!  He is such a great person. I am very proud of him and all he does.  I couldn't imagine my life without any of them.  Cedric, you are an amazing human with a great mind, a kind heart, and a sparkling personality.  I love you more than life itself.  You make my days full of sunshine and love.  You super duper boy, you!!

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