Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Eden can get out of bed with ease now.  She does not stay put.  She likes to wake us up by jumping on our heads or throwing and empty sippy cup at our faces.  We need to either purchase a third set of bunkbeds or two twin beds or something similar.  We will also need to add on to the house.  Or something.  Decisions, decisions.  Ugh.
 Asher woke up at 3am with a really bad ear ache.  We took him to the E.R. early before taking kids to school.  Much easier than waiting to get in at the doctor's office, loading all the other kids up, etc.  The gave him a prescription and he's home now.  Feeling fine and dandy I might add. 
We have been working on the swingset every spare minute and it is coming along.  I hope to have it done by Saturday for Cedric's birthday party.  I can't decide when to have his birthday party.  We are taking him and some of his school friends to Fun City for the day on Saturday and hoping to let them camp out that evening in our back yard.  I could have then party then....or on Sunday.  Hmmmmm....
I am going to have a small garden this year with things that I will be able to can or eat fresh right away.  Tony Freeman is going to till up a spot for me as soon as I mark it.   I can't decide where to put it...again with the decisions.  Grrr....
I cannot wait for school to be out.  Still don't know what we are doing for next year.  *sigh* It's really sad to me that in the great country we live in that the education has to be so poor and the CHOICE for education options is severely limited. I love Neil Borst's school voucher program idea that he had.  Brilliant.  I will have to post more on that later.
I made some really good apple cobbler in the crock pot the other night.  I will have to post the recipe.  I really want to start cooking in the dutch ovens in the fire pit.  Fun!

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