Monday, May 20, 2013

Go, Go, Go!

 Eden is ALWAYS on the go.  One of her favorite things to say is, "Go, go, go!"  Which she says all the time!  One day I couldn't find her anywhere in the house.  I ran frantically calling her name and running up and down the stairs, then tried outside.  I found her just sitting here all pretty on the radiator that is forever stuck on our deck.  She had her little legs crossed and was just staring in a daze out in the yard.  Then she hopped down after I took a picture and balance-beamed it for a bit. 
Last night when we got home, we couldn't find her anywhere and she had unlocked the door and slipped out through the gate and was halfway down the block.  The cute thing was, she was carrying a helium balloon attached to a string too.  That girl definitely keeps us on our toes!

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