Wednesday, May 29, 2013

School's Out For Summer!

School is out again!!!  Well, they do have to go in the morning for report cards but, they don't have to stay.  They can just run in, pick it up, and run back out!  Sweet!  It is hot, crazy, loud, fun, messy, and happy in the house right now!!  Everyone is excited!  And it is my 14th wedding anniversary to the greatest man on the planet, my Jeremy!!  This day is gonna rock my socks!  I hope the rain stays away because it is outside today for us!

I have gotten totally out of the habit of doing my Arbonne health stuff.  Which is annoying.  I have 30 extra pounds to prove it too!  LOL!  So, I ordered a crap ton of fresh new products for myself.  I plan on doing a whole month of the new detox wraps, 7 day cleanses, and the 30 day fit kit.  I want my mind, body, and spirit renewed....especially after paragard.  (Which I am happy to report, my body is finally going back to normal in terms of mood, periods, etc.!!!  SCORE!) Anyway, I also want to fit into last years swim suits.  The very first month I ever did Arbonne I lost 21 or 23 pounds, I can't remember.  So, I am hoping to have that success again.  I am building up my will power and trying to put my mind and thoughts in the right frame too.  It's gonna be awesome.  

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