Monday, May 13, 2013

Fun Outside

 We are outside ALL the time now that the weather is starting to get nicer.  Eden is all about the outdoors.  She says "Ooooutside" over and over until we will let her out to play.  She says it so sweet like too.  She runs around like a mad woman once she gets out though.  Going from one thing to the next.

 Jeremy and I picked up this purple Fun Sand when were at Menard's one night.  It is not like normal sand.  It expands and moves all on its own, it is hard to describe.  All the kids have really enjoyed playing with it, even Tristan, which is awesome! it came in a 30lb. bucket and first I just put a little in the sand table to play with but, eventually just dumped the whole bucket in.  It gets tossed out and lost under the deck but, has lasted over a week and half already so I am content with the purchase.  

 I am going to have about a million pictures of Eden "balance beaming it", as I like to call it.  If there is something to balance and walk across she will immediately try to do it.  I love it because I did the exact same thing when I was younger.  I really wanted to do gymnastics and could actually do it all really well.  I would balance on anything and everything.  And that is also how I got the first set of stitches that I can remember.  I was trying to balance across a huge tree that had fallen my Sunday dress shoes.  I slipped and fell and had a huge gash in my leg.  Still have a nasty looking scar from it because the stitches weren't done well, popped open, long healing time, etc.  Regardless of my falls and injuries I still want her to do these things.  I gotta get her and I in a mommy/daughter dance class or tumbling class.  So much fun!! I can't wait to teach her hand springs, back flips, cart wheels, splits, etc. 

 Cullen and Eden have both attempted to drive the tricycle off the deck.  They were testing the laws of physics I guess.  Good lesson to learn.  And learn they did.  Cullen scratched his stomach and arm up pretty good scraping down the stairs.  Eden's legs look like she has trekked through a jungle or something, lol!  

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