Thursday, May 2, 2013


We were at Grandma and Grandpa Boyer's 72nd Anniversary party.  A bunch of us were outside.  The kids were playing and we heard and airplane in the distance.  It was a small, private airplane and was flying pretty low.  We were trying to get the kids to look up at it.  I kept pointing up and saying 'look!"but, Eden didn't seem to get that I wanted her to look up....I think she thought I was holding up the number 1, lol!  I finally tilted her head back and she saw the plane....and everything else!  She was amazed that there was all this other stuff above her.  She kept staring up at the huge tree in Grandma Kelley's backyard and pointing after that!  It was really cute.  Her and Jeremy sat there for awhile staring up at the tallness of the tree.  Sometimes it's hard to keep in mind that little things like that are brand new discoveries for our children.  Precious Moments. 

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