Monday, March 25, 2013

Playing at Grandma Lucille's

 We went to Grandma Lucille's house on the day she passed away.  The kids got the boxes of toys out and started to play very nice together.  Cullen even tolerated Grandma's cat better than he tolerates out own cat.  The picture below is perfect in my mind.  I think it captured the mood and the hominess of it all.    I wish we had lived in Nauvoo during all this so we could be closer to family and just "drop in" a lot easier. 


The Mitchell's said...

It does capture it well. It was a good evening and all the kids seem to just know and were cozy and peaceful too. I'm having a let down today. It's like what? Now we just move on with our memories in tow. Seems so strange.

Colista said...

It is strange. I know what you mean. I think it helps to continue to talk about her a lot. It helps keep the memories alive and pass them on to the next generation.

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

I love the last picture. So cute.