Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday Dinner

This past week has been overwhelming and exhausting.  You know that feeling where your brain is so full and won't stop thinking and you have so much to do for so many people but instead you just want to curl up in a ball and sleep your cares away?  Yeah, that's me.  Except I can't sleep at my house.  You know, since my kids are allergic or something.  I need a retreat......somewhere far away....and quiet......and no poop....yes.

Last night we gathered for a Trapp family night at my Mom's house.  My mom made a roast and green beans, Vicki brought some tater tot casserole, I took a couple of dips, someone brought rolls, I think Joanne brought red velvet cake, there was a cheesecake, anyway a lot of food!  It was so nice.  We just hung out.  We laughed and told family stories, talked about Russ, ate and just enjoyed one another's company.  The kids were so good and got along great!  Daxton and Cullen were so cute together.  I heard Cullen say while they bother were sipping lemonade to Dax: "I really like you."  Aww, so cute!

 I tried and tried and tried to get a "perfect" shot of all three of the little ones but as you can see, it just wouldn't work out! lol!  Not that they were being bad....cause they weren't.  Just very cute and not really caring about my picture taking.

 I am really glad that the kids let Jeremy and I just hang out for once without having to break up an argument or having a constant scream in our ears, haha!  It was just a nice evening for all I think.

 This one is so cute~!

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