Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stuff To Talk About

I decided that I don't want to move anything to the new house.  I just don't want to.  I am sick of all the stuff.  There is just too much of it and I don't want any of it.  My head is pounding again today.  What is with these headaches anyway?

On Sunday(two days ago) we had a good day with family(more on that later) in Nauvoo.  We left for home and as we turned onto Connable road I could see that we were heading into a pretty nasty looking storm.  We had just barely passed my mom's house when we hit wall of rain.  Like an actual wall.  And wind.  Jeremy was behind me in the Aveo with Asher.  I turned into a driveway and called him and we decided to turn around and go to my mom's house right away.  We backed out and couldn't see anything.  Like I couldn't see Jeremy right in front of me.  A car appeared out of nowhere with flashing lights.  They were trying to signal us that there was a tree in the dang road. I nearly hit it.  The wind was blowing the Expedition off the road so I really don't know how Jeremy made it to my mom's house.  When we got there, the trees were bending and I hopped out of the car sure that I was going to be blown away. As I ran in some drainage pipe from the ditch blew into the car! I ran to the porch, the mat was gone but, the key was still there, thankfully!  (My mom is in Idaho right now).  I unlocked the door and ran back to the car to get kids in.  They were scared.  Somehow we got everyone inside.  We were drenched.  Like dripping wet.  My mom's weather radio was going off telling everyone to take cover.  The power was out.  We grabbed a stack of towels and went to the basement.  We hunkered down and tried to dry off and get warm.  It was super scary.  The kids did great though considering everything we had to go through.  We couldn't get any signals on our internet on our phones at my mom's house so when there was a break in the weather we loaded up and made it safely home.  There was debris EVERYWHERE.  No tornado but, straight line winds I guess.  It was frightening.  When we got home we found our dishwasher in the yard!! Well, our old dishwasher....we had pulled it out of the garage on Saturday when we were taking stuff to the dump.  It was sitting by our garage but, the wind blew it into the yard.  Crazy.

Jeremy has an appointment for a vasectomy next Monday. He has to take Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off of work.  That is annoying the heck outta Jeremy because he doesn't want to close for three days.  But, Dr. Davis said that if he decides to get up on the second day because he feels okay, that he will regret it because then he will be down for two weeks.  He wants him to rest and relax for the full three days.  Which means that I will definitely be dealing with eight children instead of seven, lol!  Just kidding, Jeremy! (mostly kidding.But, we are supposed to be moving that same week.  Oh well.  Whatever.  We will move after he is healed.  I am so dreading the move.  Not because I don't want to move but, because of all the work entailed.  

Yesterday was a craptastic day for me.  I ate nearly everything in sight.  It was sad.  Today is going to be a good day though.  And I will eat nothing.  Well, you know.......something but, not in excess.  Hopefully.  Usually about half way through the day when I hit my afternoon wall, my brain gets all cloudy and I make bad decisions! lol! For reals.  Maybe I will leave the house today to keep myself away from food......but.....drive thru.  Curse it.  

On a good note, the Fourth of July is coming up!! One of my fave holidays.  Yep. I have tossed the idea around of camping in the state park that weekend.  Don't know though.  

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