Monday, March 25, 2013

My Birthday

On the weekend before my birthday we decided to try to do something since the next weekend was St. Patrick's Day.  We called Trisha and Josh at the last minute to see if they wanted to join us for dinner at Martini's in Burlington.....and they could, yay!!   We also tried to get to see the Great and Powerful OZ but, it was WAY too packed and sold out when we got there.  We went to Target instead.  Lol!  We got right in to Martini's which was awesome.  It got the Caribbean pork chops and they were yummy!  I got a free piece of Big Ass Mud Pie and it had a big ass sparkler in it to boot!  Trisha tried over and over again to get a good pic of me but, I kept busting out laughing!  I'm such a doof.  It was a really good time though.  And here I am another year older.  It's true what they say about time going faster as you get older.  I'm gonna make my 34th year the best one yet! 

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