Monday, March 25, 2013

Jeremy and Chris

 Jeremy's best friend, Chris came to Grandma's funeral.  Jeremy and Chris have been friends FOREVER.  He was our best man at our wedding as well.  He's just a great guy.  When Jeremy saw that Chris had came to the funeral it really touched him.  They don't get to visit or hang out enough....hardly at all really.  So it was great that they got to catch up a bit.  The dinner after the funeral was really rushed so he didn't get to visit as long as he would have liked. 

Here is my soul mate.  I quite honestly can't believe that I lived half of my life on this earth without him.  How in the heck did I function?  I cannot fathom my life without him now.  There is nothing that I would rather be doing than just hanging out with my Jeremy.

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