Thursday, March 28, 2013


I put myself in charge of the Trapp Family Easter.  It's coming along nicely.  But, I still need some one to bring some dang good rolls!!  Who can bring them!?!?! We have a lot of family coming in for Easter this year!! It is going to be so good to see everyone.  I have been posting pictures of when we were all together for my Dad's funeral on facebook for the Trapp Family.  A lot of the family had never seen the pictures from then.  We always have a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt and the best part is the MONEY in the eggs!!!  I remember when I was a little kid, I would not be able to sleep the night before very similar to the feeling on Christmas! lol!  The Easter Bunny would hide our easter baskets in the craziest places!!  We always had to find our basket, find eggs, eat, and get dressed in our new Easter church clothes and go to church.  I remember I would always get pretty dresses complete with gloves, hats, purse, tights,  and shoes!! 

Today I have all the kids home for Spring Break.  I wish it wasn't all muddy/snowy/cold so they could go to the park or at least out in the yard.  I also have William (my nephew) here.  I might need to go to a bar at the end of today!! BAhahahaha!  just kidding. But, I might stop by the hospital for a morphine I.V. 

I want to dye some eggs today but, we shall see how it goes.  I usually do one package of 18 eggs for each kid.  I guess I better get to boiling then.  It doesn't help that my mood is wackadoodle.  Gah!!! 

Last night was pack meeting and Cedric came home with more patches and belt loops.  I have no clue what to do with these things.  Whatever.  I think I am going to velcro them to the dang shirt.  I am waiting to get him a new shirt though because he is only in Webelos for another month and a half.  Then I will have two boy scouts. 

Jeremy surprised us a few weeks back with a HUGE new family tent.  It has a little "porch" and an actual hinged door to open and close rather than just a flimsy zipper.  It sleeps 8 and has a crap ton of space.  I am hoping to become a camping queen this summer.  I really, really, really like hotels but, I'm doing this for my kids.  I used to like camping as a kid.  We camped all the time!  I can do it!  (I hope.)

Here is something that has been on my mind lately.  I get so frustrated when I see people post on facebook ALL the time saying derogatory things about people who use food stamps.  Now, throughout our married life Jeremy and I have went through times of great financial struggle.  Without the assistance of food stamps, we wouldn't have been able to feed our children.  We didn't set out thinking, "hey, I know, let's have a bunch of kids so we can get more money for food!"  What kind of effed up thinking is that!?!?!?  We do not use food stamps now.  In fact our business and our personal income pay so much in to taxes, it makes me sick to my stomach.  On the flip side, I know that there are people who DO try to take advantage.  But, you cannot judge people based on the fact that they have a food stamp card.  Or someone else the other day (on facebook again) was complaining about the food that a person had chosen to buy with their food stamp money.  It shouldn't matter.  If that is what they choose to eat, then that is what they choose to eat.  I have never liked shopping with the food stamp card when we did have it.  It is embarrassing to use it.  People look at you differently.  And it is sad.  Something that is meant to help people out in times of need and I know some people who would rather go without because of embarrassment when using it.  And another thing....drug testing for food stamps!?!?!?  Can we stomp on our rights anymore!?!?  Good lord, what is the world coming to? If your job requires you to pass a drug test then that job is stupid.  No one should have you pass a drug test to work, get food stamps, anything!!  What is next...a DNA test to make sure your qualified!?!?

Got a letter from the school the other day....last day of school this year is May 29th (our 14th wedding annivesary)!! Holy moly!! Last year they were out on the 15th I think.  It was right before Cedric's birthday.  Oh well!  We are taking Cedric and Liam to Chicago for Cedric's 11th birthday!  We are gonna hit Legoland, Medieval Times, and whatever else we can!! It should be a blast!!

I am completely emotionally, spiritually, physically, and whatever other ways OVERWHELMED.  For reals.  I have TOO much to think about.  It is so hard and I just feel like people are always looking at my shortcomings and judging me.  I don't know what to do with myself anymore.  I cry to Jeremy on a daily basis about what a failure I am.  I really did used to think that I had this parenting thing down.  But, I do not.  I am so confused and torn.  I don't know where to live, who to talk to, who hates me, who doesn't, where my brother is, how to help out with all my kids, how to not blame my kids for everything, and on and on and on.  Then I talk to people and when I get home again, I re-think everything I said and think about all the different ways that people could take what I said...and then I worry that I offend people...BLAH!!  See what I mean, overthinking every.single. thing.  I will probably want to delete this post.  There have been times I thought about deleting the entire blog.  I won't do that though.  I have too much in it.  I worked too hard.  I have been writing in a journal since I was 8 years old.  I will not quit. 

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