Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cullen and Eden

 42 times a day I find Eden right here.  On top of the bathroom counter, stealing Jeremy's contact case out of the cabinet.  She also likes to grab my head wraps and wear them.  Which I totally don't mind at all!

 It hasn't gotten to the point though that I have had to start locking the bathroom door. Then we have to "break" in every time we have to go to the bathroom.  And in this house that is like every 10-15 minutes with all these people.

Eden had kind of claimed this chair as her throne.  She yells at anyone who tries to sit there.  And she is always surrounded by her little posse of toys too.  She loves her Woody and Jessie dolls so much!

 I had to "cheese" Cullen with his Thomas lantern.

 This is how I found Eden a little bit later.  All curled up in a ball and sleeping. 
 Head buried of course. 

 Jeremy found Cullen laying on his tummy on the couch, head propped ever so cute in his hands.....and sleeping. I wanted a picture SO bad.  As soon as I went to take the picture he woke up.  Ugh.  I was really bummed.  Oh well, he looks cute like this too!

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