Monday, February 25, 2013

Me Talking About Snow Again

Last Thursday we got a nice BIG winter storm.  I have honestly never seen little snow balls fall from the sky but, it happened.  I tried my darndest to get a picture of how huge the flakes were.  I also got some video that may show it better...but it was really kinda magical!  The kids loved watching it come down and accumulate so fast.  This was a good snow storm.  The kids had school off.  We made snow ice cream.  It was chocolate banana flavored!  It was tasty!  We played games and hung out all day. 

 I started to shovel the sidewalk but when I looked out the window after I got all the boys dressed for playing in the snow, they were shoveling the sidewalk the rest of the way around the house!  I thought it was sweet of them without me saying anything to them. 

 Cullen LOVES playing in the snow! And hot chocolate with mini marshmellows!  
He drank two huge mug fulls when he got back inside.  

Blogger needs to fix whatever is wrong with their picture loaded because they never show up in the order I load them in.  They used to. 

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

I don't usually have that problem but sometimes it does it to me too and if I unselect them and then reselect them in the order I want them they usually go in the right order for me. I agree though, if it just would do it right on its own that would be great!