Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This Day

I am extremely frustrated, annoyed, confused, with many things right now.  Grrrr.  So, I decided to blog about my hubby and kids to get my mind off of things.  I do have things to post about that I need to get the pictures looking just right for so I will not post those things now.  Tonight we did Valentines with the kids so they would be ready for Thursday.  Cedric is taking some anyway...even though he is in the Jr. High now and they don't do valentines unless you want to.  They get to make cookies and watch movies and stuff though.  It kind of bothers me that the 5th and even the 6th grade are in Jr. High here in Carthage.  They don't even have one piece of playground equipment!!  I was super proud of Cedric, Liam, and Asher while making the Valentines.  Asher did all of his himself and quickly too.  He carefully marked each name off the list.  Liam made sure to pick out girl colors and boy colors for his valentines.  Cedric is having to remember his entire class as they didn't send a list home.  He thought of all but three of the kids in his class, so tomorrow he has to figure out who the other three are, lol!
Jeremy took his lunch today with me, Cullen and Eden!!  I have been kind of a coupon/sale kick as of late.  It is saving us a ton of money though and I am proud of myself!  I plan on doing a whole blog post on it sometime in the near future.  Anyway, Jeremy came along and I was so grateful.  He knew I was feeling moody anyway and did it to help me out.  I love that about him.  He knows me so well and just what to do to fix it 100% of the time!  I know I have never, ever talked about what a great husband Jeremy is ;) but, he REALLY is!!  I can't help boasting about him. 
So we went grocery shopping and had McDonald's for lunch.  I came home and burned boxes, put food away, dishes, laundry, etc.  I am TIRED.  Let's hope these kids are tired tonight too!!  Tristan is here tonight so we have to get up extra early to get him to school in Nauvoo on time and then the other kids to school here in Carthage on time.  Oy!  And Asher has to be to school at 7:30 for his reading program....which he is excelling at!!! woot!!  He even got an award sent home today for completing level 2 of the program!!! Great job, Asher!!

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