Thursday, February 14, 2013

Roller Skating Lessons

 Jeremy and I take turns taking Liam and Asher to skating lessons each Tuesday.  These pictures are of the second Tuesday that we went.  Liam just goes for it!  He likes to go fast and doesn't mind taking a spill if it means he's going fast and having fun.  I caught one of his falls on camera in a series of pictures that he thought was cool!

 This really bothers me because it happens to me all the time when I post on here.  I loaded these pics in order and then when the upload onto blogger they end up all out of order.  Annoying.  Anyway, I thought I had a series of pics in order to show Liam's epic fall but, I guess you will just have to figure it out on your own.  LOL!

 When we first got there, Asher was nervous and didn't want to do it again.  I just kept telling him that I knew he could do it and that if he did it, he would be so happy when he could skate all by himself.  Finally I just left him alone and walked away and sat across the room.

 Next thing I knew he was playing the Fish Game.  The Fish Game is where those in his level can pick a color of fish and they have to go along the wall trying to only touch that color of fish.  Asher likes that game.  He started out very slowly.

 Out of order again.  
Curse you, Blogger.

 The first time around the rink it took him a long time to get all the way back around to me. But, he did it.  When he got done, I told him how awesome he was and that I got lots of cool pictures of him.  He got excited then and said he was going to do it again! And so he did.  He kept getting faster and faster each time.  More and more sure of himself too.

 All out of order., this is the first time around the rink and he got to the arcade opening in the rink and had no wall to hold onto.  He was very timid and unsure but, he just kept going.  I was so proud that he didn't give up!  He made it all the way across the opening without falling!

 He was doing so well that night that the owner of the skating rink came over to me and said how much he had improved from the week before. 
 She said it was like a different kid!! I was proud!! 
He just needs a confidence boost here and there!  I know he can do anything he wants to!

 By the end of the lesson he was brave enough to go to the middle circle
 and do the fun stuff.

 All the boys thought they were too cool for the Hokey Pokey and covered their ears!  Goofs!  Of course this is something my silly little Liam started! lol!

 Liam and Asher both had a great time and did a GREAT job!! I was so proud of both of them!! Liam was a super duper big brother and had lots of positive comments for Asher. 

The last half hour they let the kids have free skate or go home....whichever the parents want to do that night.  Liam and Asher were excited that I let them stay that week.  They turn on the disco lights and play songs like Gangum Style and I'm Sexy And I Know It......both of which the boys think are awesome! 

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