Sunday, April 10, 2016

Today's Post

I have not wanted to blog like I said I would but, I am forcing myself.  Yesterday I woke up and the wind was finally not blowing like a hurricane.  The wind has been absolutely bonkers for the last week or so and our yard was a disaster.  I couldn't burn our cardboard or sticks that fly around our yard because it was so dang windy.  So, when I woke up and the air was still, I called everyone outside to help in the yard.  We picked up sticks, cardboard, trash, toys, and whatever else had blown around.  We burnt a big pile of crap in our big firepit and then started a fire in our patio fire pit to have an impromptu lunch around the fire.  We had foil dinners, hot dogs, chips, and smores.  Then a new girl from school texted my phone to ask if Eden could come over and play.  She was so excited.  And we found out that they live really close to us and can play together all summer.  Sweet.  Later in the afternoon, I took Cullen and Eden to Happy Joe's in Burlington and out to see the movie Zootopia.  I'm not really in to telling this right now, in case you can't tell, lol!

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