Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kelley Picnic

On June 25th (I think), we had a Kelley get-together.  The main reason was that Grandma Lucille's ashes had come back and there was going to be a little graveside service.  It stormed super bad as we drove from Carthage to Nauvoo and once in Nauvoo things were dicey.  We had to wait in the cars until there was a break in the clouds to do the service.  That break came and there was a nice, intimate service with just family.  I ended up in the car for most of that with the little ones.  Vivi had to eat and we didn't want to drag the littles out to get all wet and muddy.  After that the weather stayed mostly nice.  We had a pot luck picnic at the Park District.  Jenny and Chris brought some cute little caprese appetizers that were super yummy! 

We hung out and visited but, soon the clouds returned.  We had to move the gathering to Debbie and Pat's.  We all visited some more and then went our separate ways.  It was a great day. 
I know that I blogged about our drive home after this event though.  It's when we ended up stuck at my mom's house.  It was crazy. That post is probably back in the actual month of June, lol! 

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