Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are You Freaking Kidding ME!?!?!?

Today is one of THOSE days.  I wish there was some kind of "out of order" sticker that I could slap on my forehead for days like these.  I knew I was off when I woke up.  I haven't slept well in forever and on top of that my stupid hands/arms wake me up about 40 times a night.  So, this morning was a doozy anyway because Eden and Viv woke us up way too early.  Then Cullen came to me, sick, and I realized that he would have to stay home from school today.  Which wouldn't have been that bad but, I also had Asher and Vivianne to take to see Dr. Davis for check-ups.  Jeremy couldn't come to the appointment with me (even though he knew about it plenty in advance) which was awesome (it was decidedly NOT awesome)
We also had Susan taking someone through our house and I wanted to get to Carthage early to put some scentsy out and make sure things were okay.  Did I get to leave the house on time? No. Because apparently I was the ONLY one that heard me say (30 million times) that we all had to get to the doctor's office today.  Ugh. 
Went to Dr. Davis's.  Asher was a monster.  Cullen was good but, was hacking his lungs up all over the place.  Vivianne was good but, annoyed because she got shots today. By the way, today was the 6 month check up.  She weighs 15 pounds even and 25 inches long.  She is a tiny girl...she was in the 20th and 30th percentile for height and weight.
 I was trying to make appointments afterwards and I thought Asher was going to crawl out of his skin.  It literally takes over 20 minutes to schedule an appointment at this office.  And this time I KNOW it took that long because I had a timer that they gave me, set at 15 minutes, to make sure there were no reactions to Vivi's shots.  I cannot for the life of me figure out what the bloody hell takes these people so damn long to make an appointment but, dear god, I thought I was gonna lose it!! Finally Jeremy showed up and took all the kids to the car.  Thank God! 
Then Asher screamed for 20 minutes more because I wouldn't take him to Dairy Queen.  I had told him that if he was good, then I would take them to DQ.  Well he was SO NOT GOOD.  And he couldn't wrap his brain around why I was being so mean to him!?!?  GAHHHHH!!! 
I went to the house and tried plugging my scentsy in and the bulb burnt out in my hand.  Are you freaking kidding me?!!?!? Whatever.  So, I just left.  We came home.  Asher was just on one the entire day.  Literally.  Not exaggerating at all when I say, he make me wanna take the slow train to Denver.  I have no idea what the heck that even means but, it sounded good right there.  Whatever.  Just go with it. 
I tried to get some more organizing/cleaning done.....but, Vivianne had other plans. She has been super fussy ever since the dang shots.  I was/am on the fence about shots.  I don't agree with the frequency, the need, etc. etc.  Dr. D. also talked me into a flu shot for Vivi today.  I, nor anyone else in the family, has ever had a flu shot.  I definitely do not agree with them for sure.  But, I figured Vivi was young and might benefit from it.  Who knows?? All I know is now I have a cranky, unhappy baby when I did have a happy, smiling baby.  She just wanted me to hold her all day which is torture on my hands.  Then, the dang bug people came buy for our quarterly pest control and literally did nothing except put some steel wool in a hole outside our house.  I told them I wanted the house bombed for spiders and they said they don't do that.  WHAT THE EFF!?!?  YOU ARE A PEST CONTROL COMPANY!!!!!!!  Then he gave me a bill for $105 and told me he would see me in the Spring.  I have never in my life seen such a waste of money.  For reals.  I cannot justify this.  I can do everything they do, myself.  Just dumb. 
Then we had to load up to get kids from school....still having not gotten anything done at all.  My head is throbbing at this point and Asher is still going strong.  Vivianne was still crying like crazy.  The other kids wanted food, me to clean up spills on the floor, fix computers that I can't fix, and all that fun stuff.  Eden decided that it was a great time for potty training and had me take her to the bathroom, take her pants on and off 42 times, and put her on and off the toilet an equal amount of times.  It was loads of fun. 
I couldn't cook dinner because I was insane at this point.  We put some frozen pizzas on for everyone.  I don't like them but, tried to eat some anyway.  Every piece I got, Eden would take it from me and eat it when I wasn't looking.  I didn't actually get to eat.  I am so annoyed with today that it can so be over now.  I need a vacation.  I need people to leave me the freak alone for a bit, so my mental health can recover I think. 

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