Wednesday, December 3, 2014


We have been busy, busy, busy and it isn't going to get any better.  We haven't wanted to show our house until we get some things fixed up in it.  But, we have had a fair amount of interest in our house and Susan asked if she could take someone through.  We really didn't want her to but, if it meant that someone might buy it as is, then it would be worth it.  We went over there and did what we could before she took someone through. Turns out that person does not want to buy it as is.  But, there is still a more interest in it so we have been trying to meet up with the Amish guys to do the small projects in the house.  They should be here today or later this week.  We are going to have them patch the roof, finish the trim, lay new carpet, fix cabinet doors, possible build a small closet around the laundry area, and any other little odd jobs around.  We are going to hard core list and promote it after that.  I also think we are going to sell our swing set.

We also have been trying to find all our Christmas stuff in our storage shed and get it here to the house.  One whole box got ruined when one of my snow globes shattered all over everything else in the box and it all molded.  Really annoyed.  Of course the snow globe in question had been a gift from Vanessa a few years ago so the first words out of my mouth were: "Vanessa strikes again!"  haha!  Whatever.  My advent calendar that was a gift from Mark and Karina is yucky, one of my Christmas bears from 2013, my big cream colored stuffed snowman, my Santa statue, and a couple random things were ruined.  UGH.

I am having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit.  I don't feel the love from people this time of year, which is the complete opposite of how it is supposed to be.  I have big plans every year and every single year something gets left out or ruined.  So, this year, I am not going all out.  I am not giving personal, thoughtful gifts.  I am not doing advent.  I am not going out of my way to make it a thousand gatherings.  I am not going to make myself sad or mad because of rude comments other people make. Nope. I am going to keep my family to myself and enjoy each other.  Just the nine of us.  And soak up all the season has to offer that is good.

We did get our tree up this past weekend, which is good.  The kids were very excited.  There were no arguments or yelling.  They just crowded around (a bit much at times, lol) and all wanted to see their ornaments from years past.  We got it all done and then yesterday I found two more boxes of ornaments! doh!  So, I put a few on that were randoms and saved the rest for the people they belonged to.

We took Eden to the pediatric dentist in Burlington yesterday.  Boy was that fun.  Not.  At first she went into the waiting room and was very good.  But, as soon as she went into the back, it all started.  She screamed and cried and kicked and hit and screamed some more.  Luckily with all that screaming the dentist could see in her mouth.  She needs a crap ton of work done.  To the tune of about $10,000.  WHAT. THE. EFF?  Most of that would be hospital fees for sedation. etc.  And about $2,700 would be the actual dentist fee.  So, he said we should go to a pediatric dentist in Springfield so that our medical card would cover most of it and it could be done in a hospital. There is something fun to look forward to.

I also have meetings out the freaking butt with all kinds of different people to work with Eden and her IEP.  The problem with doing all of that stuff now is....doing all that stuff now.  Right in the midst of the full holiday swing.  That and it is never fun to do these things.  No one really gets how it feels to talk to others about your children and have to deal with these problems.  And then your kids constantly have this LABEL and a lot of times people don't want to do certain things with your kids because of these problems.  It makes me feel bad for them and there isn't much I can do about it.  I'm doing the best I can for them though and even though it never seems like enough to me, it is going to have to be.

The week before Thanksgiving Cullen stayed home from school for four days with a cough.  I took him to Dr. Davis when I took the other two.  He didn't seem worried and no one in my house had caught it (or caught it since then)so I have been just letting it take its course.  It is just now starting to go away.  It has been rather annoying though and that kid eats cough drops like they are going out of style.  

Vivianne is jabbering away like crazy! She makes cute little sounds and "talks" quite a bit.  She is gnawing and drooling like crazy and I expect a tooth very soon.  She also blows raspberries all the time too!  She loves to smile....pretty much all the time.  She is a joy to be around.  She is sitting up now although she still tips over pretty easily.  She rolls and scoots all over the floor and always ends up somewhere different from where I laid her down. 

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