Tuesday, November 4, 2014


OMG, I am having a real blog crisis since moving.  I am so behind on so many things and I don't want to leave them out of the blog.  But, I cannot seem to make myself do it.  It's like I am so behind now that I don't even want to start again.  Ugh.  Just dumb.  I've been in the slumps for no good reason really.  Nothing to complain about that is worth really complaining about.  In fact many, many good things are happening.  Why do I have these feelings, fears, anxieties, mental fogs, etc??  I am starting to wonder if there is a chemical imbalance somewhere.  Or hormone imbalance.   Or thyroid??  I don't know but, I have just been "off".  Simple tasks like making phone calls consume an entire day for me because first I overthink it and stress about it. Then decide not to do it.  Then realize that I HAVE to do it.  Then worry about it some more.  Just dumb.  It's a freaking phone call for the love of pete!! 

So,  a quick recap of some random things.  We have started an IEP through the school for getting Eden diagnosed.  The Easter Seals wants her to see their physicians but, don't have an opening until Summer of 2015!!  Whaaat?  Whatever.

I have started a little photography business called Captured by Colista.  Things are starting off with a good amount of interest.  My last session I did, I am so upset about.  I took some great pictures but, in the wrong mode on the wrong ISO and made them not as great as I would like to them to be.  I'm sure the people will still like them and they will work fine for printing I suppose but, I am a perfectionist when it comes to things I create.  I want them to be the best.  Anyway, so far in the past three weeks I have made $350.  It isn't much but, it feels good anyway.  And I totally enjoy doing it......after having panic attacks in the days before each shoot! ha!

Cedric has decided to be the basketball team camera man.  He has to video the games and practices.  He is excited about it and I like that.  He is really turning into a cool little teenager even if he isn't officially a teenager until next year.

My hands hurt now.  

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