Thursday, October 31, 2013

More Random Rambling

Well, Eden and I slept for about three hours this afternoon.  Shouldn't have done it but, I was so.dang.tired that I couldn't help it.  I feel much better now, lol!  Tonight is trick or treat in Carthage.  I'm gonna make some pumpkin face cheeseburgers and Marie Callendar's baked mac and cheese!  LOL, my cooking bone has left the building and we have been relying on freezer meals a lot.  Not my favorite food by any means but easy and for a tired, lazy pregnant lady, that is good! 
The kids all came home from school chattering about their halloween parties at school and promptly sat down with their bags of candy to gorge themselves!! I don't mind once a year!  I wish I had been able to make it to all their parties but, there are too many of them!! lol!  I did send the treat bags for the whole class in Asher's class.  It was fun putting them together even though they weren't that special, really.  I hope the kids enjoyed them though. 
We are considering renting a house in Nauvoo while we fix ours up to sell or renting ours out.  Can't decide.  I am so torn.  It is hard to know what is best for everyone and everything.  We are going to pray about it and go from there.  :)
There is a girl on facebook that I am friends with that is going into labor today with her first baby.  It has really helped me get excited, for reals!!  It may sound crazy but, I love the excitement of labor and delivery.  That is the fun part for me....the nine months of pregnancy, not so much, haha!!  I think my attitude is good today and I am really looking forward to it all....also I feel great (now that I am rested!) 
We have the Kelley Girl Shopping Trip coming up soon and I am SO ready!!! 

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