Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rainy Day Thoughts

I don't recall people scrambling to want to see my kids or snuggle them or offering to watch them all the time on facebook....like ever.  What does that mean???  I feel like they are awesome, cute, perfect little people. I love being around them (most of the time, lol). Seems like we get the shaft a lot as a family.  It's a good thing that there are plenty of us right here that we don't need all the aunts/friends/ cousins etc. offering to snuggle or hang out.  Do people really not like us?  Why?
 I really want to just give up facebook because it makes me feel like crap on a daily basis.  There was some study done recently about social media and the results were that people on social media were unhappier than those not on social media and depression was some crazy percentage higher for social media users.  Crazy.  Since I suffer from depression already, it may be wise to give it up.  What is really sad, is that more people don't use it to lift others up.  I'm just as guilty of it as anyone else, I suppose.  Ugh.  Deep thoughts on this rainy, dreary day. 

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