Friday, February 8, 2013

The Story of Two Rings

I took my wedding ring into Zales at the end of November to be fixed.  Somehow the engagement ring was off center from the wedding band and needed to be fixed.  I left it there where they said it would shipped away to see if it could be fixed.  And they would call me with a quote.  About a week or so later Jeremy and I went in together and he picked out a wedding ring.  We had to have it special ordered.  Since then they called and said that my ring would be $400+ to fix?!!?!?  What the what?  So we said we wanted to pick it up and they said they had to wait for it to be shipped back. Whatever. We figured that we would pick my wedding ring up when his came in as well.  We have called about 5 or 6 times and each time they had no idea when or where Jeremy's ring was and couldn't seem to answer if mine was in the store or buried in Grandpa Frank's backyard!  Ugh!  Finally we had to go grocery shopping last night.  I was prepared to a tee (will post about it later) to tackle four grocery stores and had everything sorted out with coupons etc.  Well, that was all shot down the tube when we went into Zales.  We stood there for an hour while the two employees there tore the store apart looking for our rings.  They found mine fairly quickly.  They didn't even have a record of the transaction for Jeremy's ring.  Thank God for smart phones because he was able to pull up our Paypal credit card account and show them the transaction on the phone.  In the meantime, we heard all about how badly the store was run, how overpriced everything is there, that I could take my ring to a local jeweler and it would most likely be a fraction of the cost to fix, and that the store needs a major computer overhaul.  FINALLY, they found some paper work and were set to re-order Jeremy's ring.  But, we had had enough and asked for our money back instead.  We stood there for over an hour!!  Now, Jeremy is back to having no wedding ring again and mine still isn't fixed.  How stupid.  We will not be going to Zales ever again though. 

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

That sucks!! I'm tellin' ya..go to Riddles in Burlington. They're good and fast! We like them anyways :)