Thursday, August 19, 2010


Never in my life! UGH! This girl is proving to be difficult. And already putting me through more work and discomfort than the boys did! Last night I was sick to my stomach and having contractions 3-5 minutes apart for most of the evening. Then I went home and went to bed and had them all through the night about every 7-10 minutes apart causing me not to get a whole lot of sleep. Had a doctors appointment today and thought surely that these contractions had made me progress along. Guess What?!?! NOTHING!!!! Still the same as last week. Oh how I wish Dr. Kim was back so he would strip membranes. He's so great like that.
New doctor said that a lot of women have nausea as one of the first signs of labor. That's just great. I never have but each one is different I guess. Now I can't go to the hospital for the next two days because it is Jeremy and Tristan's birthdays. My contractions have left again. I got to rest this afternoon a little bit to catch up on my sleep so we'll see if they gear up again tonight. I never had had this much contracting without going to the hospital and being admitted. Good grief! Oh well, I guess it can't be too much longer but it sure does seem that way.

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