Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Liam's First Stitches

So far Liam won't let me take a picture of his first stitches. I told him it's for posterity and that we would all want to remember this monumental occasion 20 years from now and he's not buying it. Anyway, today he was playing outside at our creek with some of the neighbor kids and I was cleaning and organizing our coat/storage closet. He came in crying and I knew from the cry that he was really hurt.
So I waddled my fat butt into the kitchen and there he was with his face covered in blood. I started wiping blood away only to discover a little hole in his cheek near his mouth. Oh no biggie I thought and continued to clean. There was so much blood I thought maybe he knocked a tooth out or something though. I told him to open really wide. When he did I saw the real injury on the inside of his mouth! Yuck! Well I couldn't find my phone so I told Tristan to ride his bike to Jeremy's store and tell him to come home. I wrapped a popsicle in wet rag and put it on Liam's cheek.
Jeremy came home and took Liam to the ER. About an hour later they were back. Liam was numb and the proud owner of two whole stitches inside his mouth. They put the Dermabond on the outside. So the stitches are the dissolvable kind so hopefully we won't have any issues there.
Liam's first stitches. Wow.

An update on our weather...since I went outside today for about 15 minutes and nearly died.

Today's Forecast

Today's Forecast Image
  • 97°
  • 75°

Scattered T-Storms likely this afternoon across the tri-states, most if not all will stay sub-severe, heavy rain is the biggest threat.

HEAT is the big story. Earlier today Quincy was the hottest city in the country with a heat index of 116 degrees. Not much relief tomorrow, Thursday or Friday. In fact, the National Weather Service in St. Louis is extending the heat warning until Friday evening. Stay Cool!

Ryan Wichman

WGEM Meteorologist

Also, it looks as though the name "Haven" won our little poll. That is interesting since that has always been near the top of our list. If Cullen had been a girl his name would have been

Haven Mikah for sure. Jeremy is set on it. I have to see her first. I definitely want something that just screams girl!

I have been having some good sets of contractions on and off for a few days now. Real ones.....these are just braxton hicks anymore. My body is gearing up for the big day! YAY!

Now hopefully I will have a great doctor and all will go well.

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