Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh, How I Miss Dr. Kim!!!!

Yesterday was stupid. AGAIN, I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart ALL night (saturday night) long. I didn't get any sleep ans was very annoyed Sunday morning. So we decided to go to the hospital to see if I was making any progress and maybe they would just help me along. Ya know, since they tell you to come to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart and all.
Anyway, so we end up missing Newpher and Owen's birthday party and make the trip to Quincy. We get there and they monitor me with contractions now 2-4 minutes apart for 4 or five hours. But, NO progress is being made in the dilation. Now if Dr. Kim were there he would say, let's just move this along. He would either break my water or give me some pitocin or both. He likes to take the initiative. Smart man, that Dr. Kim.
For some reason other people like to make a poor mother of five small boys sit at home contracting for days or weeks on end for NO GOOD REASON! I'm so tired and am just grumpy and annoyed. I'm not fun to be around and it's not good on, me, Jeremy, or the boys. STUPID. JUST STUPID.
Anyway, so still no baby. She's probably gonna take up permanent residence in there. And when she is born they will have waited long enough to where she is ginormous. So, I guess we could start taking bets on when she'll be born. I'm gonna put up a new poll....I vote for the 29th. I've been thinking that number since I got pregnant. 6 LONG days away. DRAT!

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