Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Asher Turns 4 Years Old!

Four years ago today my beautiful little Asher was born! He was three weeks early and weighed in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. which has been my smallest baby. His was an interesting birth story as I started at one hospital (Carthage Memorial) with a midwife and ended up at another hospital (Blessing in Quincy) with my regular doctor. I had started out Asher's pregnancy with Dr. Kim in Quincy but about three months in thought that I would give Carthage a chance since it is closer. I went to a midwife. she was a litttle strange but tolerable. When it came to birth though we were so not on the same page. She sent me home from the hospital at 4:30 in the morning when I was dilated to 5 and having contractions every 5 minutes. She said someone else needed the bed!! So home I went and my mother decided to call my regular doctor in Quincy. His nurse told me to get to the hospital in Quincy as quickly as I could. So I did. And then I had Asher. With no drugs. Dumbest thing I've ever done. The no drugs thing I mean. Asher was just PERFECT!
We are so blessed to have Asher in our family. He is definitely our little funny guy. He constantly has me busting a gut! He is very loud and boisterous......kinda like me when I was little! I'm so happy to have him as one of my boys! I love you Asher!

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

Happy Birthday Asher! Love - Aunt Trisha