Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our Bloggin' Journal

I got this idea from Ariane and Mike Cameron. Every year they have been printing up their blog as their family journal. I thought it a swell idea since I can hardly keep any of the boys baby books up to least we would have some record of our life and have these memories for years to come. I used it was super easy! You can't change the layout or anything a whole lot but it took me about 10 minutes to order it, from upload to the final click. I ended up with 156 pages from May of 2008 to May of 2010!! The book was actually better quality than I was expecting! It's hardcover (you can order softback too) and the paper is glossy and nice. So, this makes me want to take my blog even more seriously because there was a lot of stuff left out of those two years. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool so I thought I would share!

1 comment:

Sarah-Lynnetta said...

Cool! That's exactly what Joanne has been wanting to do!