Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cedric's 8th Birthday

Cedric turned 8 this year! I can't believe how the time flies! I always tell Cedric about when I went into labor with him and he loves the story.
I was sitting in the movie theater on the opening night of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and I started getting contractions. Jeremy and I had went with Nikki Yu (Rogers) and her hubby so every time I would get a contraction I would tap Nikki and she would look at her watch and see how far apart they were. They were about five minutes apart through the whole movie.
Jeremy, Nikki, and Kenny all tried to convince me to go to the hospital then but I said no. I went home and went to bed ( or tied to) and got up again about 6am because I couldn't sleep. Finally I went to the hospital after Jeremy pretty much made me go.; I was convinced they were going to send me home. But, three hours later we had a little Cedric!
Cedric loves that he decided to come during Star Wars.

Some of my favorite Cedric qualities:
* His sense of style! He's always dressing up in costumes or in fancy clothes or something fun!
*His kindness. He loves to do things for people. Especially cook or get you a drink .
* His laugh. It is so infectious!

As everyone knows, I'm pretty much useless when I am pregnant so we didn't have a huge party like he was wanting but, I think we did alright. The weather didn't cooperate so we had a small gathering in Grandma Kelley's garage. He wanted a pirate theme again so I did my best. We had cake and ice cream and a bunch of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
We are trying to get Cedric to go underwater so that he can get baptized. Cedric is always very cautious of trying new things. he's been in swimming lessons for 5 years now and they have tried everything to convince him to take the plunge far to no avail. So we have a backyard pool again this year and Tristan has been working with him a bit to work up the courage to go underwater. So, we'll have to keep trying until we get there.

A funny Cedric story:
My mom was sitting next to Cedric in church one week and my niece Sarah was sitting on the other side of him. During Sacrament meeting the speakers were talking about the different ways to feel the Holy Spirit. The person talking said that sometimes feeling the spirit was a feeling that you had inside. Cedric leaned over to my mom and said:
"Sometimes I get a funny feeling in my basement.....but, I think it is a rat."
Awesome! My mom said he said is so matter-of-factly and serious too.

Cedric is also the one who told me when he was about 4 years old this"
"Mom, I love you."
"I love you too, Cedric."
"You're so pretty, just like a princess."
"Well, thank you, Cedric."
"Or a like a dinosaur...."
"pretty like a dinosaur??"

Is that a compliment or not?!?!?!?!? LOL!

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