Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Baby Girl Shower

My shower was on Saturday at the Knights of Columbus hall in Nauvoo. My mother, mother in-law, sister (susan), sister (vicki), sister in-law (trisha), sister in-law (vanessa), and niece (joanne), were all involved in pulling off one awesome shower! The pics above are of the cake that Joanne and Vicki made. It was AMAZING! I was very impressed. We had a great turn out and I had some of my best peeps in attendance! In fact I was lucky enough to have Abi Orme (Hall) and her mom, Barb drive up from St. Louie just for the occasion!! It is always so good to catch up with my old friends! And Tuesday McLeod drove over from Peoria!!! I have some pretty awesome people in my life.

Some might think that I took a lot of pictures. I think not. In fact if I had the brains to think about bringing another set of batteries there would be more! I wanted a picture with each and every person in attendance. The decorations were super cute! I loved all the pink!

I had no idea how much stuff I would get!! It was crazy! And much appreciated! I am basking in all the ribbons and bows and pink and ruffles I can get! Lovin' it!!

On a serious note, I really wish I could've conveyed to everyone just how grateful I was for everything. Since there were so many people there I didn't get to spend a lot of time with each person and let them know. I felt so special!! Every one went all out just for me and it was perfect! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

Now, I need this little girl to get here so we can play dress-up together!

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