Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Past Three Days

The past three days have been hell. Literally HELL. These are the times that I want to sell my children and run away to some deserted island. All of them have just been awful. And I have been in an awful mood. (Most of this is pregnancy induced, I'm sure. These hormones and I don't get along too well.) Two days ago Cedric almost killed me and Cullen.
The story goes like this....

We have a big deck on the back/side of our house, off of the kitchen. Me and Jeremy's bedroom is right above that. When we moved into the house the air conditioner in our room wasn't secured well at all and it worried me that someone would accidentally knock it out and kill someone on the deck below. Then winter came and I didn't worry anymore because we took it out. When we put it in again this year we tried to secure it differently but we have new windows and you can't screw into them so we were perplexed as to what to do with it. So we did the best we could and told the kids on a daily basis not to touch the window or the air conditioner in any way, shape, or form. They listen so well by the way. I love the way I waste my breathe telling them right from wrong. *sigh*
Anyway, so about 5:00pm or so the boys decided they wanted to get in the pool. Everyone except Cedric who was watching a movie in my room. Cullen wanted to swim too but since it was nearing supper time I didn't want to get in the big pool with him so I decided to fill a big rubbermaid container and let him play in that. I was carrying ice cream buckets full of water in and out of the sliding door with cullen trailing behind me....I was on my eighth bucket when I heard a cracking noise above my head! I knew exactly what it worst nightmare coming true. I dropped the bucket of water, grabbed Cullen and stepped out of the way with just inches to spare as the air conditioner came crashing down beside us and smashing to bits! I screamed a few choice words and looked up at the window where Cedric stood looking mortified. I couldn't even think about talking to him. I went inside with Cullen and found my phone and called Jeremy. It scared the living crap out of me!! I was crying and couldn't breathe. I talked to Jeremy and proceeded to go sit on the deck and cry.
I think it was more than just the near death experience. It was the fact that I am overwhelmed and can't keep up and can't seem to get through anyone's head that they need to listen to me. I really thought when I started having kids that I would be a "cool mom". I certainly don't feel that way. I'm sick of having to say the same thing over and over and over again. I'm sick of being pregnant. I'm sick of all the mess. People say that you will look back on these times and miss them.....honestly, who are these people and what is wrong with them???? Because I can't see missing cleaning up poop out of a pair of mesh swimming trunks. Or having my kids tell me on an hourly basis how mean I am.
This is the choice we made when we started having children. There are so many good times too. It's just hard to see them when you have had three straight days of bad. I just hope they remember the good times and not the times where Mom is a complete basket case.

Last night we realized that our baby, Cullen is on the verge of hitting his crazy stage. It's so sad. I miss my kids being babies.

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