Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Jeremy and the boys a few years back.....

My Dad and Tristan passed out on the couch.

Cullen will climb into just about anything he can find or fit into. This is an air conditioner box. I'm glad it makes him happy. Simple things.

Yesterday was Father's Day. It's a hard day for me anymore. I miss my own father.....and I never know what to do for Jeremy. He's WAY better at the whole gift and surprise thing than I am. He's a GREAT dad to our kids. I appreciate all that he does for our family. I am so thankful that he works his butt off so that I can be a mother to our children and stay at home with them. So, yesterday we all went (except for Cullen) to see Toy Story 3 in 3D. It was a great movie. We all enjoyed it! It was Asher's first time to the movie theater and he was a little crazy in the lobby but did pretty well for the movie. The second half he had me squeezing my fat belly onto the floor looking for his 3D glasses and when he went down to look for them he came up eating popcorn off the floor! EWWW! I think it was mostly from his own bag of popcorn but still. I think he only really got one piece from the floor in his mouth.....
After the movie we stopped by Jeremy's parents house and ate some pizza off the grill. Then we did a quick stop at my dad's grave and headed back home. I think when we get a new car to fit all of our kids in we should get a limo. Because then I could have a window barrier that goes up and down to block out the noise going on in the back! haha! Seriously though, good idea, huh?!?!

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