Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Started Yesterday, Finished Today

I don't know why but, nothing is going my way.  The whole month of December has sucked and now we're headed into the dreaded months of January and February when the depression will really set in.  So over it.  I keep telling Jeremy that we need a second house somewhere warm and sunny to escape to for three months out of the year.  It would avoid this whole problem every.single.year.  Most everyone around me is driving me insane.  It is also nearing the end/beginning of the year when I start thinking about goals, dreams, and plans of the future and thoughts of the previous year.  I always have big dreams. This year I plan on getting healthy.  Not skinny.  But, healthy

We are waiting to hear back from the Amish guys with a quote for the remodel of the Carthage house.  I hope they can get it done in January.  Our lease comes up in this house in July and we want our Carthage house sold by then.  Although, I have been using it for studio space and it is just perfect.  The amount of lighting is great and the size of room is perfect.  Really I could have a different set up in each room.  That would be fun.  But, can't do it in reality.  We must get that house sold. 

I think another goal this year for me is to stay away from Facebook.  I just don't think it is good for me personally.  Yes, there are good things like being able to keep in touch with people you normally wouldn't but, the question is, if you wouldn't keep in touch with them normally, why the heck are we sharing our life and watching/reading theirs?!?!  It is also depressing sometimes to see how judgmental or critical people are of others so openly on facebook.  I have done it too.  There are happy announcements too but, negative weighs them out on my feed at least.  I always catch myself comparing my life, my parenting style, my views and beliefs, my kids, my house, pretty much everything, to other people's.  It's just not good.  I want to focus on what truly makes me happy.  I want to nurture real life relationships rather than these mostly fake ones on facebook.  At the same time, it is going to be super hard to stay away from facebook.  It is like a sick drug that you just can't stop taking.  I might have to make my account dormant or something.  I will log on to load and promote photography though through my Captured by Colista page.  hmmmm, I might have to start small and say I can only log into my personal account say like, once a week or something.  Maybe once a month?  I don't know but, something needs to change.  I could go through the whole "delete half my friends list" route too.  hmmmmm....

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